Master Bedroom Reveal

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Okay - Now I'm a little nervous to share my new bedroom with you. It's not like super-calafragalistically-fantabulous....but it makes me happy, and that's what counts, right?

My bedroom was the first room I worked on when we moved into the Cottage a little over a year ago. Here's the BEFORE picture (If you like the "BEFORE" better, don't tell me):

It was okay....It was fun...I liked it for a while...but then I didn't like it. And because I didn't really like it that much I started to not treat my bedroom as well as I should. Long story short, it became a horrid, cluttered mess that gave me a panic attack every time I walked in there. I desperately wanted a bedroom that could be a sanctuary - a room that would feel completely serene and stress free. You know what I mean?

So I did something I NEVER do. I found an inspiration photo (below) and decided in 1 day that I was going to completely change my bedroom based on that one little photo. And I changed the whole thing over the course of 2 days. Again...a first for this girl.

(This is an inspiration photo...NOT my actual bedroom)


Enough background for you?'s my NEW and IMPROVED BEDROOM!

I really do like it. It's so stress free.

In case you're curious, the wall color is Behr Paint+Primer in "Silver Tinsel"; the accent pillow on the bed is actually a standard pillow sham from Thomas O'Brien's collection at Target that I "tailored (crudely stitched)" to turn into a lumbar pillow; the mirror above the dresser is from Hobby Lobby (on sale for $40.00); the lampshades are from Target.

I pretty much owned everything else, so in total I spent $130 (including paint) to update my bedroom. Not too bad.

99 Suburbanites Said:

Debra Lea said...

It looks great! So calming and peaceful, very lovely :0) ..I really love those lamps too!

Nicole said...

I like it! The mirrors behind the nightstands caught my eye... may have to look for some for my room.

dedeetsyshop said...

I think it is great! I just painted our dining room a darker grey and ended up loving it! Your room looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

What a serene retreat! You did a great job!

WhisperWood Cottage said...

The before is actually nice, but the after has an elegance and sophistication about it! Well done!!


From the Old InkWell said...

Annicole, I love your newly made-over room. Love that grey on the walls,the mirrors, and the plates above the bed. You are right, it's very calming and peaceful as a bedroom should be.

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

I ADORE it! I mean inspiring! LOVE the colors your right on totally calming... GREAT job!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you did all that for $130. You really spent your money wisely. Love the black and white.


Heather J said...

it turned out lovely. totally soothing! love all the little details, like the mirrors and plates. good job!

Pine Tree Home said...

It looks great. The wall color is very soothing and I love the simple plates above the bed.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Looks great! Love that black bed.

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

I really love the makeover! What a change!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I LOVE the "after." The room color is so soft and soothing. It looks like the kind of bedroom you could curl up in bed and read your favorite book before bed. I've been treating our bedroom pretty badly b/c I feel the same way you did. Maybe I need to get in gear!! Great job, AnNicole! :)

Unknown said...

It's GORGEOUS! It looks so soothing and luxurious. Great job!

Kelly @ Kelly is Inspired said...

I love it. You did an amazing job. I like the mirrors on the night stands. Very cool. I might have to try an inspiration picture redesign too. I always find pics I love but I never have tried to use a photo to redecorate. Not sure why now!

Emily@remodeling this life said...

i loooooove it! so pretty and calming. that wall color is amazing.

Megan Lee said...

I love the new room! The wall color is fantastic and makes the room look so calm and inviting.

Laura @ The Steen Style said...

What a great job!!! I absolutely love it.

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

I LOVE IT. The after looks amazing. I love the color and the white plates .Just fabulous.

Katy said...

Serene is the RIGHT word, it looks GREAT! I love gray and white together.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I really love it! I love all the mirrors and the white.

BLJ Graves Studio said...

Love the make over! :-)

A Home in Progress said...

I love this room - it is soooo calming, which is exactly the way a master bedroom should feel in my opinion! Beautiful!

Amber B. said...

I love it! Very calm and sophisticated!

jennybek said...

Ooohh! So very... nice, pretty, calm, peaceful. They all fit. Love the redo. You just made me re-think grey.

mike and elise said...

Good job! It is b-e-a-utiful! Very calming. Very much an improvement!

loscoloresdesole said...

Hello!! this room it's really beautifull...and your blog full of good ideas. Congratulattions!! Soledad

Pony Girl said...

It looks really great! I am so impressed that you did that on just $130, and what a complete turnaround! Thanks for sharing your inspiring ideas! ;)

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Ohhh it's so serene and soft and calm. I LOVE IT!! The mirrors are awesome, love them leaning against the wall. You did GOOD!!

Simply Dandy said...

It looks like a very peaceful retreat. I actually just gave our master bedroom a makeover too, I wanted it more grown up. I find the quick makeovers sometimes turn out the best. Glad you are thrilled with it, you should be.


Jodi Nelson said...
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Jodi Nelson said...

Let's try this again. I am new to your blog! LOVE the re-do. I am getting ready to re-do our bedroom for the same reasons! I just finished our bathroom and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Thanks for the inspiration.

Lorri said...

It looks beautiful! Truly a sanctuary.

Tamis Marks said...

Oh, I could totally relax in your new room. NICE.

My room has become a dumping room for all the furniture that does not fit other places in the house, peaceful it is not! Need to find an inspiration photo and follow your lead!

nell ann said...

I absolutely love your new bedroom -- all white is always so very soothing. Also, I was wondering where your headboard is from. I've been looking for one like it for my own transformation. : )

Funky Junk Interiors said...
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Funky Junk Interiors said...

So soooo pretty! I adore that pic of the dresser and white curtains. Honestly, if you had said that inspiration pic was the other side of your room, I would have believed you! Great going incorporating the same feel!

My bedroom couldn't be more different! (an old antique sign for the headboard) Yet you've accomplished having me fall in love with yours all the same!

(Sorry for double post!)


Moore Minutes said...

Wow, wow! I'm truly impressed with how quickly you transformed your room. It it PERFECT. You're right, it looks very calming and peaceful. Love your wall color. Great work!

Pat said...

What an absolutely gorgeous room and to think you did it for $130.00 and what you already had. This room is magazine worthy, it is so beautiful. I like your room much better than the inspiration photo. Enjoy your new room, your special haven just for you.

Shana said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! You did a great job creating a calm, peaceful space, and in two days!! I'm totally impressed!

Kurryleaves said...

I really love the makeover..Totally soooothing color did a great job..njoy your new room.

June said...


Beth said...

It looks so relaxing. Love it!

Unknown said...

I love it, well done!

Courtney Baker said...

Wow... I love the new room. You're right it's totally calm. Looks great.

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

A thousand times more relaxing. Clean. Calm. LOVE IT!

Am I the only one that would be nervous with glass plates hanging above my head? They LOOK divine, but that wall in our home....well, I'll just leave it at that ;)

Jessica said...

Wonderful! I love how fresh and clean it looks!

Melissa said...

So serene and inviting~beautiful work!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

This looks GREAT! I LOVE it and for $130?? AWESOME!!!

Lou Cinda

Alicia said...

It looks amazing! I especially love the mirrors behind the glass lamps on the nightstands. Wonderful job.

Elizabeth @ Southern Comfort said...

I LOOOOOVE IT! I want something very similar in my own bedroom. I have the same kind of thing that you had going on with your master bathroom in my master bedroom. I've looked at it for so long that now I dont know where to start! You did an amazing job and thanks to you, I now have my inspiration! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Aja said...

Beautiful!! I love the lampshades and the wall color- very serene!

June said...

I LOVE IT!!! Great job. I love the idea to have mirrors over both nightstands reflecting the light from the lamps.

Unknown said...

Perfect! Really, I do love it. The paint color is the best. Very calming as you said. And LOVE the mirrors and pillows. You done good!!


Peanut-Butter Kitty said...

Really love the color! But I like the mirrors behind the nightstands the best. Great job.

Amanda said...

Love it, I am going for a similar look in my bedroom and I just loved the mirrors behind the lamps. I also did not know what to put over the headboard. Love it!

meridith said...

Wow! What a cozy retreat! You have such a knack for pulling a room together. Thanks for sharing!

Gail said...

Great Job! I love what you did to your room. It's very calming.


Jenn said...

LOVE it! I'm all about serene for bedrooms. The color is beautiful and I especially love the fluffy pillows. Now I need to go take a nap because your pillows look so welcoming. :)

Anonymous said...

It looks luxurious! Simply Devine.

~Rhonda from Minnesota

beth said...

It looks beautiful!! You shouldn't have been at all nervous to show it to us. You did a great job on the room. I love it!! :)

Shelby said...

awesome! i love it!! it looks very relaxing! love the paint color :)

Gina said...

You did a fantastic job! It looks so peaceful, exactly how it should be.

Nora said...

I LOVE your bedroom! I am going to steal that color for some of our house projects.

Its So Very Cheri said...

pretty pretty pretty.

My blog has just been growing like a crazy weed and I haven't been able to get by for as many visits. I miss all my blog friends.
Come for a visit and see both of my new parties for the week. They are up every week and I hope you will participate.

Its So Very Cheri

Anonymous said...

Okay now that is serene!!! Lovely job.


Alicia@Thrifty And Chic said...

I love your idea with the full length mirrors behind the nightstands. and I love your room way more than your inspiration. good job!

janet said...

oh my gosh your bedroom makeover is beautiful, i think you did a fantastic job creating a calm, serene space. This is exactly how i would love my bedroom to look and feel. Good for you!

Girly Stuff said...

You certainly nailed the color!

It looks divine!

Patricia said...

I love it so much!
It is so calm and serene!
The color is to die for ~ you are such a talented chick!

Rachel said...

The bedroom is beautiful. I just found your blog tonight and I could spend hours looking at old posts!

Jen said...

This is beautiful. Simple and clean... the perfect space to dream the night away! I love it.

Leanne said...

Ohhh, I love it! It makes me feel relaxed and peaceful just looking at it. You did such a beautiful job and with very little money spent. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous room with us.

Sarah said...

I love the new look! Grey is perfect for a bedroom. Looks very chic!

Lara said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now--it was actually the first decor blog I stumbled upon (got your link from a comment on Fly Through Our Window), and you have led me into a whole new world! I love seeing your projects, and I love your style. Your bedroom looks great!

Anonymous said...


You did a wonderful job :)

stephanie h said...

oh, I love it! it's beautiful!

Noodle said...

Wow! This is wonderful - and so inspiring!
Thank you for the proof that it is possible to turn a bedroom beautiful, quickly and inexpensively. Great job!

Room to Inspire said...

I LOVE the looks so relaxing! And the new lamp shades, they look completely different!


Linda in AZ * said...

* WOW! I'm SO GLAD I just "discovered" your blog thru another one~~~ so FUN, PRETTY, INTERESTING & ENJOYABLE!!!

Sincere KUDOS to you for the beauty you created, w/ alot of thought & a small amount of $.... You should be SOOO proud (I already KNOW you have to just LOVE it in here now! Yummy!)...

Happy dreams,
Linda in AZ *

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

I LOVE it so much more than the before picture. I looks so clean and calming. I love the mirrors in the room. You did a great job.

Unknown said...

how cute! love the calming color palette. but wouldn't work for DH and our 95 lb. black bull mastiff who climbs into bed w/us every chance he gets.
oh! and don't you love Behr paint+primer? I've done nearly every room in my house.
Congrats on a job well-done.

Cathy said...

I like the before...


I LOVEEEEEE the after! It looks soooo inviting!

Missy in Texas said...

I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!

truly blessed said...

it's beautiful! i may need to use this as my inspiration photo for my room! i've been trying to choose a paint color forever. i painted my dining room grey and like it. i may have to go grey in the bedroom too (walls not hair). :)

Unknown said...

Your bedroom redo is beautiful.

countrymans said...

Girl you are so in the zone.. Beautiful room.. :)

bettsi said...

Well done! I love it! Elegant and serene.

gina said...

Your master bedroom
Looks all grown up now!

Very seren and sophisticated!

I love grey tones... most of my house is painted in them. :)

Bridget said...

Outstanding transformation and at only $130, you should get the bargain decorator award!

dana said...

Funny, I was thinking the before picture was just beautiful. But I love the "after" even more! Beautiful, Beautiful.

maura said...

wow - your room turned out gorgeous- how peaceful and clean.

At Town Square said...

Okay now,I want that room! Love the soft linens and yummy color on the walls. Another great blog for me to follow. Would love for you to follow mine. Keep up the great designs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this!!!! I'm so glad to have found your blog, thanks to you! :) ......I have spent hours in the last week trying to find something like this and here it is! I'm so excited!

BTW, nice work, it's looks fabulous!

Denise said...

I have never been happy with my bedroom - so thanks to your post, I am going to go with the Silver Tinsel paint. I already have the white duvet and dust ruffle. It should be fun! Maybe I'll post pictures when I'm finished. Thanks for being my inspiration.

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Thanks so much Denise! You made my day.

The Misty Journey said...

LOVE the new look. Absolutely better than the old. So my style, I am jealous!!! Can I steal it? Well, I won't. :) I am trying to simplify more before I make any other changes in the decor. Will check other posts as I have time. Keep up the good work.

Angie said...

An Nicole, I know this post is totally old, and I don't know how I never saw it before, but I just clicked over from Sarah (TDC) to see your post about behr paint + primer and then FELL IN LOVE with this gray. Gray is totally going to be the next can of paint I buy and you may have sold me on this shade. Library? Entryway? Yes. Yes.

Unknown said...

This blogs is absolutely amazing!!! i really liked, i think all the information contained in this blog are very useful and very interesting. i really enjoyed reading. i am very curious for everything, usually i want to know new things. this is the reason why i like to know.Actually i love to know about decoration or desing specially in the bedroom.
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