Hello all! It's Sarah from Thrifty Decor Chick here for a guest post! My friend AnNicole is off traipsing around Germany...well, really, she's "working" (sure AnNicole). I like to think she's frolicking around in fields of tulips or something. (Or is that Holland?)
Tools are not just for your Hubby to hoard and use "when he has time," or "when I get home from work," or "woman, will you get off my back?!"

With that miter box, some glue, a hammer and nails and a level, I dressed up our columns:
And fancied up the entry as well:
My love of tools was growing, but I was still hesitant to try out anything new (read: more powerful). Enter the nail gun. My sweet, sweet Lovely:

Three years ago when I was pregnant, my Dad and I made these built-ins together -- for less than $200 for two of them:
It was on that glorious day I used the nail gun for the first time. I still remember the first shot. And good God, it was FUN! I believe I put about 30 extra nails in each time just for good measure. (Dad had to stop me because we were running out of nails.) It was that fun, that empowering.
And from that day on I was hooked. Dad just gave me his nail gun -- he could see the little hearts coming out of my eyes. So with that, I went crazy and did this with beadboard:
And this one I really was scared of. I mean, this thing is heavy duty. But one day, while working on my beadboard island:
My hand was about to fall. off. from all the cuts with the miter box, and the saw was only $108 on clearance at Lowe's. I splurged and got it. I was scared the first time I used it and then never again. It is my new Love. The possibilities are endless with you my dear...
I hear it ALL the time -- not just from readers, but from friends..."I'm too scared!"
Well, don't live in fear ladies. I know some of these tools look ominous. But once you learn how to use them, and realize they are all made so that it is hard to mess up when using them, I guarantee you won't be as hesitant.
Here are some tips if you are going to take the plunge:
1. Start small. The miter box is, in my humble opinion, the easiest tool to use and is the smallest but does the biggest job.
2. If you've never used a power tool, PLEASE have someone show you how to use them. Honestly, once you've done it yourself I promise you'll feel a 100 times more comfortable with it. But until then, let someone show you how to use it, even if it's the sales guy at Lowe's.
3. Most of the time there's no reason to be scared. You need to be cautious with tools, you need to take your time, and you should never skip important steps (like wearing eye protection when using the compound miter saw.) But it is nearly impossible to nail into something with the nail gun unless you are using it correctly. The electric saw blade is protected until just before it hits the wood. If you are using them correctly, they are truly, truly easy to use.
Don't wait. Don't wait for your husband (unless you have a really handy one -- lucky you if so!!). Don't wait till you have enough money to hire someone (you can rent these tools). If you want to make your home more lovely, don't wait.
I promise you can do it. Cross my tool belt heart.