Well...at least Pottery Barn says so, and with a foot of snow outside and temperatures in the teens I'm keen to believe them. Pottery Barn decided to ring in the New Year by releasing new items from their Spring line. First, let me say, I'm a bargain hunter. I never pay full price for anything. That being said, I love seeing new items, choosing my favorites and then waiting...waiting...waiting and then pouncing on them when they're marked 75% off. Oh, and I'm not being paid by Pottery Barn to mention their products...but wouldn't that be awesome? Here are some items that caught my eye.

It's a little busy, but I just love the fabrics they used.

Mmmm, so calm and serene (Are you sensing that I have a split decorating personality? Yes...it's true. I blame it on being a Gemini).

I love the red one. I'm a sucker for crewel (no...you probably don't here that everyday).

Okay, I'm REALLY going to watch this one. She'd feel right at home in my living room.

Love the pale green. Although, I'll just admire them from afar. I really don't need them.

Have I thrown you off here? Yes, it's a pencil. Yes, I love it. It's also $129 which is absolutely ridiculous. I love kookie, unexpected pieces like this though...thus the shout out in the blog.
I wish you all a very happy 2009. I promise Spring is only 8-12 weeks away :).
3 Suburbanites Said:
Love the pencil, I could see that in my house.
Thanks for stopping by my blog
I LOVE that PENCIL!! But like I always say...do you KNOW how easy that would be to make?? $129, you gotta be kidding me! :) Although my version would not look nearly as cool. I love your site AN!!!
Thanks Sarah! I totally agree with you about the pencil. Can you believe they can charge that much...and that people actually pay that?! I love to look at things like that and say "Hmmmm, I could make that". Thanks for stopping by!
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