Monday, February 22, 2010

New Awesomeness at Target

Um, perhaps I should reign in the “valley girl” talk, but this girl just can’t help it. Hate me…or don’t, I’d rather you don’t :).

I was buying a few groceries at Le Target the other day, and decided to do my obligatory stroll through the home decor section (What? Is it not the unspoken bonus of grocery shopping at Target that you get to experience guilt free window shopping?).  I tried (unsuccessfully) to conceal my squeal when I saw new items…squeal!. I think I even let an audible “Ooh, that’s nice” slip out as I admiringly ran my hand over new bedding and pillows…and shower curtains. Nope, not weird at all.

Here are a few things that caught my eye:

This particular bedding collection caused me to let out a gasp and an “Oh!”. You must see it in person.


My good friend Thomas (O’Brien) also offers a matching shower curtain (not on the website yet). Yes, the whole ensemble might be a little too matchy matchy, but it’s worth mentioning. It is seriously gorgeous in person. Have I mentioned you must see it in person?

This bedding’s kind of lovely too…I don’t think I saw it in my store though –or if I did it apparently didn’t induce crazy googly eyed swooning.


And is this dinnerware not pretty? It may not be for everyone, but it definitely made me abruptly stop my cart to do a double take.

And then there’s the new line by Dwell Studio. Has anyone seen the Domino Magazine-esque Suzanni patterns around? Have you noticed how expensive they are? Well Dwell Studio brings Suzanni to you for reasonable prices (I promise I’m not being paid to gush about Target here). Check out this pillow :

And Dwell Studio’s Casablanca Bedding Collection?…drool.

I’m kind of digging this Kapali comforter too. It’s very Anthropolie-esque -  but again, it’s definitely not for everyone.

Happy shopping!


  1. Target makes me squeal with delight...I always get embarrassed AFTER the fact, but I can not help but RELISH in the moment when I see a Tarjay item I love. :)

    {off to Target tomorrow}


  2. I love the casablanca bedding... gorg!

  3. I have a love-hate relationship with Target. I love it because I can spend hours drooling over stuff and I hate because I can spend hours drooling over stuff. It's next to impossible for me to just "run" in to Target. Just ask my poor husband!

  4. I just popped over to your blog from someone else's blog (Cause thats how we do it here in bloggerville) cause your "valley girl" title caught my eye... I was in Le Target over a week ago and was cruising the home wares section and many many rows were empty and filled with empty bins... So thats what they were up to! I guess I'll need to get to Le Target tomorrow to "pick up a few things for dinner"! I have just gotta at least go touch everything!

    Really Rainey

  5. Ooh, I'll have to pop by this week to see if my Target has some of this great new stuff in already!

    Kat :)

  6. Sigh...Target is my favorite. If you look at my credit card statements, that's where I spend most of my money - there and Michaels, where I've also gotten some great home decor items! Now I'm feeling the urge to go back and browse again, but I'll fight it!

  7. Love it all! I can't even go IN's dangerous.

  8. I love all of this...guess where I'm!

  9. Thanks for the heads up! I will definitely be checking these out:)

  10. I'm digging the bedding inspiration!! I refuse to buy bedding off of Target's website again though. Made the mistake of ordering bedding for my oldest's nursery before she was born. Not even remotely close to what it looked like online. It was hideous and I sent it back straightaway. I do, however, LOVE to spend time in the Target store. Will have to hunt some of these patterns down. :)

  11. Target has upped their game recently. Have you seen their rug section lately?

  12. I was in Target yesterday and they were getting out their new stuff. It was all very cute.

  13. Ohhhhhhhhhh I miss Target.... Guam only has a KMART ~ how awful is THAT?

  14. thanks for reminding me to check out Target. it never disappoints!

  15. I promis I will wipe the drool off the corner of my mouth as soon as I am done! I must admit I've been in withdrawl for the past 5 years as we lived over 300 miles away from the closest Target. Yes, you read that correctly... And for 2 years it was over 2000 miles to the closest one. We lived in Alaska and Target only made its appearance a couple of years ago!!

    The dishes are truly divine! Umm...


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