Friday, February 19, 2010

If I had a Baby Girl

Okay – I’m perfectly, totally, completely content with not having a daughter. I am completely, indubitably ecstatic with my life, my son, and never having to change diapers again. Truly. But since I showed you a nursery I created the other day for a reader, I thought I’d show you how I would decorate a nursery myself if I had a daughter…which, again, I’m totally, completely happy not to have. Ack…let’s just look at the pretty picture, okay?

Polyvore - Baby Girl's Nursery

I’d start with some Amy Butler fabric, including her Lime Primrose fabric from the Nigella Collection, her solid coral fabric, and her Lime Polka Dot from the Lotus Collection. I’d probably do the crib bumper in the floral green primrose fabric, and then have accents in the other two fabrics. I’d also add and edge of coral fabric to some simple white drapes.


I’d paint the walls Sherwin Williams Rice Grain (6155). It looks kind of mushroomy in the picture (at least to me), but in person it’s a nice, light yellowy, greenish tan.

SW Rice Grain

I’d include an elegant crystal chandelier. I love this one from Overstock with a white shade.

I’d probably add crystal knobs to a white dresser to coordinate with the chandelier, but I kind of like these green knobs from Anthropologie too.

Finally, I’d add a nice slipcovered glider like this one from Pottery Barn Kids (‘cause if we’re pretending I have a baby we can pretend I have money too, right?). Uh hum....I used to have a picture here, but Blogger sucks. Just follow the link, k?

Have a great weekend!


  1. I would love to design a nursery right now!!! Such a sweet time in life, the moments before the baby arrives...(just kidding, kind of!)

    Love the glass knobs and the fabrics, this would be a wonderful nursery! Janell

  2. Yes, I love it all! But as an overwhelmed mother of two boys, I can honestly say it "ain't gonna happen" for me. :) Beautiful to look at though -- thanks for sharing!

  3. What a beautiful nursery this would be. It's nice to dream sometimes. You design such beautiful rooms.

  4. That would all make a lovely little girl's room! Check out my transformation of my little girl's room.

    Have a Happy Day!

  5. Oh.....I love this nursery! The fabric combinations are adorable,and the green knobs are so cute. A baby girl is all that room needs.

  6. I have almost the EXACT same light over my kitchen/dining table. I got it from Overstock and it was a smokin deal. FYI - It's even more gorgeous in person.

  7. I love it! I dream of a "girly" nursery all the time. I currently have 2 boys, but planning for more. Just maybe I'll get to do the girl thing someday! You had some wonderful ideas, and the great thing with a virtual nursery is that I can visit it anytime!
    Thanks for a great post.

  8. I would love any of that for me! In fact, I'm looking up that chandelier right now ~
    I had boys - until lately there was never anything cute.


  9. How beautiful!! Wish I'd seen it before I painted my girls' room. Maybe I can start over once the youngest outgrows her crib. Thanks for the inspiration!!

    MomTog Diaries

  10. Gorgeous! I especially love the glass knobs and chandelier. Very pretty!

  11. Oh, I love it all!! That would be one beautiful nursery.

    I've coveted that PB rocker for a very long time!! I wish I could find a less expensive version! :)

  12. Oh, gorgeous! I'm still trying to work on my girls' shared needs to stay mostly the same, but I'd love to see some fun changes in there too! Love love love this nursery, what a lucky little baby girl to have such a beautiful room!

  13. That would be a lovely nursery. I usually don't go for the chandelier look, but that one you featured is just awesome. I love it.

  14. Cute cute cute. And let me just tell you that I also loved that chair, and have no money (since our adoption was pretty expensive) so I begged people for stuff that I sold on ebay until I had enough money to buy that glider. And it. is. awesome. In fact, maybe you could just get the chair. : )

  15. That would be one lucky little girl. :) I especially like the green knobs!

  16. Darling- love the color and fabric color choices!

  17. Where was this post 3 1/2 years ago when I was decorating a baby girl's room? Nevermind that I had never laid eyes on a blog 3 1/2 years ago. And that I didn't know if I was having a boy or a girl and therefore did not design a gender-neutral nursery. THIS is the room I wish I'd brought my baby home to. So, so sweet.

  18. Love this! Love the colors, style, truly everything about it!

  19. I swear people have more kiddos just so they can decorate a nursery. Okay, so yes...the thought has once, or maybe twice, crossed my own mind...on a particularly hormonally charged day :). Thank goodness for Polyvore, eh? Your nursery is beautiful!

  20. Wow, what a coincidence. My pretend daughter would have the exact same room as yours!Those are the colors I would choose IF I had a daughter. This coming from a mom of 3 boys almost all grown up {snif} Hmmmm, maybe a granddaughter one day!

  21. Pretty, pretty. I don't need it...16 yrs. out from that but it sure is pretty.

  22. Planning your "would have" nursery - I have never thought of that. I think I would just go too crazy, and before you know it, I would probably be pregnant, and we DON'T need that now do we...? :)
    It would have been a gorgeous nursery, wouldn't it? However, when we had our boys (my first) nurseries weren't quite that cute, were they?
    Have a marvelous week,

  23. How cool that I stumbled on this nursery today. I just picked out these colours for my new nursery. Actually, it's more of an orange than the coral because I'm not sure what I'm having ;) Can't wait to have a look through your blog...we are redoing the WHOLE house!


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