Sunday, January 10, 2010

You're in the Right Place

Hi there! Don't worry - you're in the right place. This is still Our Suburban Cottage with all my goofy humor, "You can do it" pep talks, and decorating projects galore. It just got a facelift...that's all.

And can I tell you how excited I am about the new look?!!! Darcy at Graphically Designing is a magician. I'm not even kidding. I can't even begin to sing her praises. I'm a little...oh I don't know...PICKY when it comes to design, and she made it effortless. It was like she read my mind. Not only that, but she's knows her bloggy stuff. I'm good at "pretty". Darcy's good at "pretty". But Darcy is also super talented at all the technical stuff that I really try to wrap my brain around, but I get a headache when I do. So, thank you, thank you, thank you Darcy!

I'm still doing some tweaking but everything is still there - and hopefully even easier to find. The archives and tags are now at the bottom of the screen, and my fancy navigation bar is at the top. Oh! And I even have a "favicon"! I didn't even know what a "favicon" was but now I'm geeking out about it. See that little flower by my web address? Yep...that's my "favicon" (squeel!).

Oh! And I'm not only on Facebook now, but I also have a RSS feed and I'm on Twitter. "Twitter?" You say? I know...I was one of the last Twitter hold outs because I thought it was....well...kind of stupid (never having been on it, but just being annoyed by the concept of people "tweeting"). Well, I tried it the other night and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! Yes, even I'm surprised. So if you want to follow the "tweets" of this "twit" click the icon at the top right of the screen.

I'll be back soon with my organization update. Better get crackin'.



  1. I ♥ it AnNicole! It is so pretty, chic, and you! Congrats! Blog makeovers are so fun!

  2. So pretty and chic!! And I love favicons too- I used to have one that matched one of my older designs! And twitter. I *heart* twitter, going to follow you now...

  3. It looks beautiful - love it!! So pretty and . . . beautiful and sophisticated!

    You can't be the last hold out for "tweeting" because I don't - my girl and I were talking about it this morning - she doesn't and I can't get my head around it!

    Anyway, love the blog design - I was thinking about a new one for spring - but I just did mine - love all your headings and the way your favs are!

  4. Love the new look! Don't worry you weren't one of the last to join twitter.. I don't have one nor do I have plans to get one.

  5. Very pretty, AnNicole!!! :) I signed up and paid for my very first blog redesign last night. It's exciting, isn't it? I need to email you to ask how you set up your Facebook page for the blog....Lovely!

  6. Loving the new look and your tweeting too ~ that is so tweet ~ I mean sweet!

  7. Love your new look!

  8. You know those big smiles that happen to cartoons where it looks like their head is going to break in half and the top part is going to fall off because their smile is SO BIG??? That was me just now when I opened your blog!!!

    It's beautiful! I love it! Very classy looking. And to think I just finally figured out how to post a pic on my blog. I've already forgotten, but I did it last night. I'm so behind in all of this....I may just continue to "follow" That's really fun too!!!!

    Love what you've done!!!

  9. Looks totally awesome! So 'you'. I had just signed up for Twitter too, but haven't used it yet. Need to get on that....:)

  10. It looks gorgeous, AnNicole!
    What a fresh new start for the new year and decade. Love the favicon, btw. ;)


  11. Your new site is lovely! It really looks great ~ love the new organization.

  12. Love the new look!! And congrats on your first favicon. You crack me up!

    P.s I couldn't ever find that topiary tutorial but I managed to come up with something on my own. I'll be posting about my thrift store topiary makeover soon!

  13. I truly love your new blog look! You and she worked very well together to come up with such a fabulous-looking blog!

  14. I LOVE the new look! I am so envious of it. I am just in the beginning stages and I already want to "redecorate" my blog. Cheers to a very fabulous new look. :)


  15. AnNicole- The new look is really nice and classy! ~ Sue

  16. The new look is beautiful and so chic! I want a favicon!!

  17. I need a favicon. Flavicon? I knew I was missing something in life. Must get one.

    Lovely new look for 2010!!! Darcy is great, I agree!!!


  18. Awwww... boy, when you sing praises, you sing 'em, girl. thank you for your kind words. You were a joy to work with! j-o-y!

  19. I love your blog!!! (Can I just say that I think your title should be a bit bigger.)

  20. HO-LY COW. Your new design is just gorgeous! I love it.


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