Friday, November 13, 2009

Giveaway Winner

I'm sorry for the delay in posting the winner of the $20 gift card to Little Ones. That Nyquil I took last night sent me into a coma before I could publish this post.

So, without further adieu, the winner is East Coast Suburbanite (the 40th entry). Congrats!

True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 61
Result: 40
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

To those of you who didn't win (and I'm so sorry about that), you can still buy that adorable hat or bow or bib for your little one at Little Ones.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm off to chug some mint tea...dang cold...


  1. Sorry to hear you're feeling sick! No fun :(. Enjoy your tea and rest up this weekend. Oh yes and congrats to the winner! :)

  2. oh my! i'm so thrilled...i can't wait to pick something out for my little baby Grace :) Thanks for the opportunity.
    Hope you feel better soon

  3. That Nyquil will knock you out for days. Strong stuff. I hope it did the job and you're feeling better!

  4. Oh boy...congrats to those lucky winners.

    Am having a ball reading your blog!


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