Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's All in the Details

Charm and interest are all in the little details. I'm talking about the smart use of fabric, accessories, and those unexpected items that just add that extra bit of "wow" to a room.

For instance, this bedroom by Heather Chadduck is absolutely gorg, but (aside from the great color scheme and toile...can you say yummy?) it's the little details that really make the room. Mirror= fab, chandelier=double fab, monogram on the pillow=(can you guess?) triple fab. Each of those items subtly make this room more interesting that it would otherwise be.

And the close-up (you know you wanted a better shot of that toile). Look at the simple brown ties on the fabric covered headboard - instant charm. And the small framed prints? They tie in beautifully with the color scheme and they give the eye something interesting to look.

And we all love this room from the set of Something's Gotta we not? But what are the two elements that really make the room? My opinion? 1) The amazing collection of ironstone plates (very simply displayed, by the way), and 2) The swoonworthy slipcovers on the chairs. Would it be a beautiful room without these elements?...sure...but would it be as interesting?.....uh, no.

And here's an old Pottery Barn room from my files. There are so many great elements in this room, but what adds the most interest? I'm gonna go with the mismatched collection of mirrors. And of course the pattered pillows, ottoman, and ribbon detail on the window shade don't hurt one bit.

And finally, can I tell you how much I love tailored pleats and simple ruffles? Ahhh, so charming.


  1. SO many beautiful things! I love every single one of those pictures. Just fab.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. You showed some of my favorite photos in this post. Have a wonderful day.


  3. Love that last chair. Wisteria has one like it.

  4. The built-ins with the iron stone are just about my favorite things ever. ;)

  5. I finally took a minute to indulge myself in reading my favorite blog. I love the inspiration you provide. I think the pillows you bought from pottery barn,and placed on your couch were a great example of the prefect fabric accessory.

  6. Wow, we DO like the same things! I'm lovin' the ruffles and white ironstone especially.

  7. Hi there! I am a new follower to your blog. I have found a lot of inspiration here, thank you!:) I am loving the PB hutch/desk. I think I need that, lol.

  8. They're all amazing that alabaster lamp!

    :) T

  9. Hi! I´m writing to you from Patagonia - Argentina, just to tell you that I like your blog very much and that I also believe that "everyone deserves a beautiful home regardless their financial situation..." love the painting with the pencil!
    Kind regards,
    MarĂ­a Lorena

  10. Hello AnNicole - what beautiful photos! I LOVE the white slip covered chair. {hearts} Thank you for sharing!


  11. Love the white chair...and the Pottery Barn room...and you can never go wrong with white ironstone.

  12. Oh so very pretty~


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