Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ikea + 1 Teenage Boy = B.O.R.E.D.

Do you see that face? Doesn't he look thrilled to be at Ikea?...and this photo was taken in the first 5 minutes of our visit.

We took a little trip down to Dallas over the weekend and had to do the obligatory stop at Ikea. If you don't have an Ikea in your town, you know what I mean.

Love this media center (although, I'd take mine a little smaller).

I still REALLY want this dresser. I think I'm going to have to make it a priority to save up and make a trip down there again at some point. It has great storage and it would be perfect in my bedroom.

I'm lusting after white, slipcovered dining chairs.

Is he looking like he's having a good time yet? Oh yeah, he has my blackberry in his hand and has been checking sports scores...I think it eased his pain.

Love the hutch (are you sensing a "white" theme here?).

I bought a pair of these striped curtains. $29.99 for a pair and they're 98 inches long and made of thick cotton! Love Ikea.

Oh, wait...what's that?! Somehow swedish meatballs and sparkling swedish cider brought on a wee smile.

And because I felt so bad about dragging him through 20,000 square feet of throw pillows and window treatments I caved when he begged me to buy this florescent red doggy pillow for our little Kingsley. Oh yeah...totally works with my color scheme. Kingsley does love it though. I guess sometimes asthetics have to be sacrificed for the bigger picture....like a happy boy and dog :).


  1. I think he might have had a better time than he let on. It sounds like fun to me. I really like those curtains.

  2. So cute! I looooooooooooove Ikea, and we don't have one here, so I GET IT!!

    Thanks for sharing, now I'm gonna have to get myself to an Ikea soon!

  3. Having problems with my i9nternet, so forgive me if you get two messages from me....
    Obviously all Ikeas are the same across the world, as these pictures could have been taken in Adelaide, right down to the meatballs.
    My fella isn't keen on visiting it either, although he does like the little tape measurers and the tiny pencils!

  4. I know what you mean, our closest Ikea is an hour away. I need to get down there sometime soon though.

  5. I hear ya about IKEA - great stuff and so reasonable! Love your style girl!!! And your son is a saint for stayin' there so long!!

  6. AnNicole, Being in rural Iowa of course we don't have an Ikea. I'd sure love to visit one. Your son looks a little bored. It could be worse. He sure is a cutie. I am glad he enjoyed lunch. And that little red doggie pillow is adorable.
    Hugs, Terrie

  7. LOL he looks just like my husband at Ikea! ;)

    I went 2 weeks ago with my sister and it was such fun! I looked at the chest of drawers that match the dresser you show here and am eying it for my bedroom.

  8. LOVE IKEA! We have one about 45 minutes away from us...but it's really really hard to shop there with a three year old and a one year old by myself. My husband is not the biggest IKEA fan b/c he doesn't like to put the furniture together. :s I love walking around all the different rooms they have set up. I liked all the shots you posted, the entertainment center especially. :)

  9. Kingsley surely lucked out! I live about 20 minutes from IKEA in Houston but don't get by too often. When I do...it's a multi-hour spree.

  10. Ahhhh IKEA, from the land of my people! Love those meatballs, too!

  11. Oh you're just killing me with all that Ikea beauty. I think I want that dresser too. I will have to check their website to see how much. You have great taste!

  12. We're an hour away from IKEA but I try and get there a couple of times a year. I love IKEA!

  13. I just love Ikea, any time your teenager doesn't want to go - just let us know!

  14. TOO CUTE! I loved this post! :-)
    And thanks for the heads up on those striped curtains...I am going to buy them for my Guest Room!
    The Lettered Cottage

  15. I too am an IKEA lover! Unfortunately, the closest one is in Dallas which is about four hours from our home! I am totally with you on the white theme. I think it makes everything look so clean and pretty! If you have a chance, come over to my blog and check out my "Ode to IKEA!" :)

  16. our closes ikea is about 2 hours away and one day i do hope to get there...i would be in my glory. We have all girls and they love to shop so i dont think it will take too much convincing, overall it seems your darling son did well while mom dragged him through the store...lol

    Congrats to Sarah for being the lucky winner of those adorable birds,

  17. I love Ikea too- reminds me I need to go! Hilarity about your boy. I have two that would act just the same. Cute curtains bty- can't wait to see where you put them.

  18. LOL! I live within 20 minutes of 2 (TWO) IKEA stores! It is sheer heaven. I have that exact media center (though I also have a set of glass doors at the top of the bookcase with the solid doors on the bottom).
    We're going this weekend to get that Hemnes dresser! We're also getting the tall chest to go with it. I have the table those white slip covered chairs are around. I tried talking dh into the Liatorp hutch you posted (because it matches the media center), but dh said enough white. :( That's okay though.
    Can you tell I really love IKEA? Fortunately for me, Indy does too, but he's only 6 and can be dropped off at Smaland. He loves to go to IKEA.

  19. We don't have an IKEA, but I've always wanted to look around one. I made it in the door of one as they closed once. I saw about 100 feet of it! Then we were in Charlotte and they were having a grand opening. They had to close to road going to it and the interstate exit. We weren't allowed in the parking lot! It was crazy! One day! :-)

  20. I'm thinkin' it's a good thing that the closest Ikea store is almost 2 hours away. Love the curtains you picked out, and the dog bed! :)

  21. Ah, IKEA... been looting that company for almost 20 years. I bought that same 8-drawer dresser for my daughter last summer, while setting her up in her first apartment in Pasadena. We cleaned out the Burbank IKEA. You should get it -- it's gorgeous, full of storage, and soooo pretty.

    And clearly your dog deserved that bed. Clearly. Cass

  22. You're lucky Matthew is such a good sport!

  23. Ahhh, love Ikea! Ok, and you should definitely get that dresser, the Hemnes dresser. We have the smaller version in our bedroom, and I adore it. Plus, while the knobs that come with it are not bad at all, I switched ours out for some Anthropologie knobs and I'm even more in love with it now!


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