Monday, March 30, 2009

Cute as a Button

First, I need to announce the winner of Friday's giveaway.

Can I just say you guys made this decision soooo difficult! Each of your comments tugged at my heartstrings, and I honestly wish I could have given a set of birds to each and everyone of you...I'm not just saying that. But, sadly, I only had one set, so I had to make a VERY tough decision.

And the winner is: Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick.

Thanks to everyone that stopped by, and continues to stop by. I appreciate each and every one of you, yes, I will have more giveaways in the future.


So have you noticed my fancy schmancy brand spanking new "Our Suburban Cottage" button on the left of the blog? I'm so excited I can't stand it.

It was designed by the amazing (and patient) Kate at Smitten Blog Designs. I am NOT an easy client. I'm from the world of "this blog button needs to reflect my very essence", and she was totally cool with that. And, it only cost $10!!! She should have charged me much more, but nope, that's the price. They also have entire premade blog templates that can be downloaded starting at $5.

So feel free to download my fancy schmancy new blog button and add it to your blog, and check out all of the great options available at Smitten Blog Designs - and just so you know they didn't pay me to say that...I just really liked them.

Have a great Monday!


  1. Awww, congrats to Sarah! Isn't she the best?

    I {heart} her.

    And I {heart} you.

    Happy Monday!

  2. hey there! new follower here...but just had to give a shout out of solidarity over the complete sadness over no more cottage living...i was not at all happy when i received the notice that the last issue i received was to be the last issue ever.! thanks for the heads up about coastal living though after those lovely photos i definitely will have to peek my head into those pages!

  3. Congratulations Sarah on the win!

    Love the new button. Its really pretty and I think it does reflect you :)

  4. I love your new button. I'm going to have to check her out. Your button is so pretty!

  5. I've been looking for a place to make a button. Thank you!!

  6. Cute button. I just love Smitten's designs! And congratulations to Sarah!


  7. Your button is perfect for you! Congratulations to Sarah!!

  8. This button does totally reflect you, I think!


Don't be shy. I LOVE reading each and every one of your comments. If you have a question for me, watch for a response in the comments or shoot me an email. Thanks!