Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Not Domino! Why? Oh Why?!

I'm sure many of you have heard by now that Domino Magazine is the latest casualty of our current economy. I feel like I need to start offering proper eulogies for my favorite magazines when they bite the dust. So here goes:

Oh, Domino. I remember loving you at first sight. I saw an ad for you in your sister magazine, Lucky, and I subscribed before your first issue was even released.

I wasn't disappointed. You were as chic as I would secretly like to be, and just as wimsical as I am.

You put a little smile on my face with every issue.

Early on, I studied each issue, sitting with you and trying to learn your brilliant ways.

And while I didn't love each and every issue, I always looked forward to finding you in my mailbox and flipping through your colorful pages.

You will be missed dear Domino. Rest in Peace.

P.S. Yes, I'm aware I'm a dork :).


  1. Very well said!! LOL

    I saw this magazine not too long ago and almost subscribed! Boy, alot of mags are being cancelled! So sad!

  2. Maybe they'll continue w/ an online presence.

  3. I agree Elizabeth. I'm really surprised more magazines aren't heading in a digital direction. But that's just me....

  4. Amen to that....uh...NOT that you're a dork but amen to all these cool magazines going by the wayside. IT'S SAD! We're all going to have to step up our blogging game so we can fill the void for our fellow bloggers...LOL!

  5. I would love to see more magazines offered online. I already miss my Mary Engelbreits Home Companion which was also cancelled.

  6. Uh huh, sure Susan. I'll bet that's what you meant :). Seriously, I agree. I think bloggers are the filling the void. Isn't is weird how much technology changes things?...Not to get all philosophical here.

  7. Man, what is next? Seriously! My husband makes fun of me for worrying that banks will start going under, but hey, one already has, along with countless magazines, department stores, and specialty stores. Mom and Pops have no chance, and the worse it gets, the harder it is going to be to pick ourselves up again.

  8. It's definitely "survival of the fittest" out there. If Target ever goes under I'm going to buy a cabin-cottage (of course) in the mountains, grow my own food and hunker down there until this economic situation resolves itself...well, not really. I'm not a very good gardener.

    Boy..I'm going to need to post a cheerier subject tomorrow :).

  9. Too bad, weren't they relatively new? I believe Cottage living mag bit the dust too.

  10. What? This is the first I've heard of this travesty! It's like I'm losing House & Garden all over again. Way to ruin my night, girl. ;)


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