Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I was both very lazy and very productive last weekend. How do you do both at the same time you ask? I plopped myself on the couch and caught up on old episodes of Lost while hand stitching 4 pillows...yes, by hand (because I haven't figured out how to thread my sewing maching...come to think of it, I guess I shouldn't be bragging about this).

The best part? I made all 4 pillows for about $15..and 3 of them are upholstery grade Ralph Lauren linen (I LOVE eBay!), and I reused existing pillow inserts.

See the pillows on the love seat? The green one I dug out of my "garage sale pile"...which only reinforces my fear of getting rid of anything because I'll certainly need it at some point in the future. The straw colored pillow I made from an extra curtain panel I bought when Linens n Things was closing.

And we couldn't neglect this little corner.

$15 for an entirely new feel in my living room? Not bad.... :).


  1. Wow, Im impressed. I can use the sewing machine but Im not to sure I can hand stitch a straight line! Great job and the pillows look GREAT!

  2. AnNicole, Your livingroom is looking beautiful. Where there's a will there is a way. I have handstitched pillows before, too. You did a great job. But, you really need to try to learn to use your sewing machine. You'd love it. I wish I could teach you.
    Hugs, Terrie

  3. Thanks gals. Terrie I know how to USE it just not how to thread it...I know, that's not exactly better. I'll be a big girl one of these days and take it into a sewing shop and ask for help :).

  4. Great job on the pillows! I'm impressed you made them by hand.

    My mom has a fear of getting rid of things too. I convinced her she needed to have a garage sale and put all of her junk in it. She has been holding on to a rubber chicken for years. I talked her in to selling it. Really, when do you ever need a rubber chicken. Well, later that year she needed a rubber chicken for a Halloween costume. She reminds me all the time now about how I made her get rid of her stuff.

  5. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious Wendy. I'm not quite that bad :).

  6. Ohhhh they are beautiful! I'm so impressed at your skills without a machine!! The fabric is so pretty.

  7. Great job on the pillows! I can't believe you did them by hand, you really need to figure out that sewing machine. LOL! Although then you will be drowning in pillows because it is hard to stop, the machine gets them done in half the time. Fun, fun!

  8. I love it! I'm extremely impressed that you did them by hand! There would have to be about 10 days worth of Lost episodes for me to be able to do one pillow.

    I love the slipcover of your chair, where did you get it? (or did you make it too?)

    Your house is beautiful! Have a great day!

  9. Kasey - I bought the slipcover from QVC (of all places). It's the only thing I've ever bought from them, but it was the least expensive one I could find so I went for it. I think it was about $30.

  10. Hi AnNicole, I just found your blog and the photos of your home are gorgeous. Did you slipcover the wingback chair yourself? Becki

  11. Sorry, I guess I should have read the comments first! lol. Please disregard my slipcover question! Becki

  12. Hi, AnNicole,
    I saw on a comment from another blog about two story open family/living rooms that you have one. My sister & her husband just made an offer on a house in Colorado that has ginormous walls in the living room with stairs that go to the second floor. She has NO idea how to decorate it. Do you have any suggestions, or more photos of your living room that show what you did? I suggested long floor length curtains hung higher than the windows, but that's where my ideas stop. Thanks! Erin


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