Thursday, January 22, 2009


First of all, I'm somehow of the mindset that nothing except groceries and furniture should cost more than $15-$20. Maybe it's all those years of shopping at TJ Maxx and thrift stores, but that's where my mind goes. If I really love something, though, and have it in the budget to spend a bit more I'll occasionally do it.

Most of the pillows below are around $30, and one of the things I love about Etsy is that many of the sellers are creative, talented women who are trying to supplement their family's income. That's a cause I can (selfishly) support (I say "selfishly" because I get something beautiful out of the deal).

So, without further adeu, here are today's Etsy Love picks.

My Sweet Savannah who also has a great blog by the same name.

My Sweet Savannah

White Twig (I actually just bought the one above. It was just too beautiful to pass up)

White Twig

Maramiki (These designs are hand drawn and then hand...on a pillow that was hand - these people amaze me)


Shop One Eleven (Doesn't the ruffle make this look like a fancy gown?)

Pink Baby Mouse (I just had to add this one for fun. I love how quirky it is.)


  1. I really like the striped one from White Twig. Do you let these craftspeople know you are featuring their products? They might want to host a giveaway through your site and/or send you free stuff.

  2. Good idea Elizabeth. Thanks. I did let a couple know today. That's a great idea for the future know I'd love free stuff :).

  3. The 8 pillow is awesome. And the dog pillow was too funny.


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