Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Find YOUR Style

Not only was Find Your Style a tv show on HGTV that I loved (and I think has been cancelled...why do they do that?!), but I think it's something we all struggle with a least at some point in our personal interior decorating evolution.

When I moved into my new cottage last spring I decided to work on my master bedroom first. I had just gone through a horrible divorce (is there any other kind?) and I really wanted a room where I could fully and completely relax at the end of each day.

I originally fell in love with a room I found on HGTV's Rate My Space website by HPJ185. I was so exhausted I felt like I would be perfectly fine with copying this room piece by piece, climbing into that big fluffy bed, and calling it good.

The problem? It wasn't my style, it was her's. I would have been happy visiting this room, but I couldn't live in it. It didn't have any of my own personality in it. Sooo, what's a girl to do?

I went back to the drawing board and came up with some ideas. The bedroom design plan evolved from this (which was a little too traditional for me):

(All of the rooms above are HPJ185's except for the top right which I found on Cottage Living...RIP)

To this (which had a little more whimsy...I am an Anthropologie girl afterall):

(Credits: Top left and bottom right Anthropologie; top right and bottom left originally found at Meringue Designs on Etsy )

And this (yeah, I know it's a big leap. I'm not entirely sure how I got there.):

(Credits: Top left and top right Amy Butler fabric; bottom left Ikea; bottom right print by The Black Apple on Etsy)

I actually even painted my bedroom Sherwin Williams Dapper Tan, and I painted my headboard and dresser white.

Not bad, right? Wrong. I felt like I was living in a cave made of chocolate bars...which sounds like it would be a good thing, but it's me. So after living with it for a few weeks, I had to start over.

After much thought (and whining on the phone to my mom) this is what I came up with:
(Credits: Top left Restoration Hardware Camden bed (not mine!); top middle Anthropologie Mandarin Leaf pillow; top right Pottery Barn silk pillow shams (didn't actually use); bottom left Pottery Barn Charlotte dresser (also not mine); bottom middle Michael Miller brown ticking stripe fabric ; bottom right Restoration Hardware Latte paint)

It's perfectly me! Light walls (Restoration Hardware Latte), dark bed for contrast (yes...I painted it again), awesome Anthropologie tapestry as a splash of fun (on final clearance of course), and a little brown ticking stripe fabric (I'm a little nutty for ticking stripe fabric).

This is how it all came together: (Note: I took these photos last summer. I'll post some new ones soon that show additions to the room)

What did I learn from all this (aside from the fact that I'm just a tad neurotic)? Just like I’d look silly in someone else’s clothes (unless they were Gwyneth Paltrow’s, she has a great wardrobe…although, she’s a size zero, so yes, they would look silly on me) I can’t plop someone else’s room down in my own house. I can adopt pieces of it, but at the core it has to be a reflection of me and my personality....neurotic as it may be :).


  1. The room looks great! And my style is SO all over the place! I need to find my center!

  2. I love love love the black bed!! That window is crying out for, NO, screaming for a window seat!! It's so perfect I could die. You could just hole up in there. The last time I saw this room it was the darker and I loved it then, but it's more awesome now. I love the pops of red. HPJ was awesome -- I haven't been on RMS in ages. I checked in the other day and HATED the new format and left immediately. I need to get some inspiration for the Bub's room so I will try to make it through. ;)

  3. Thanks!

    Sarah - You're absolutely right about needing a window seat! OK, you figure out how to build one with your super handy woodworking skills and I'll get right on it :).

  4. Wow, you have been doing a LOT of work!

    Everything I wanted to say has already been said, but I'll say it again.

    Love the bed black, love the black mirror and touches of red. And yes, the window is screaming for a window seat. I would love to have a window seat and you have the perfect place for it.


    Oh, and I really like the lamps.

  5. I wasn't keeping up w/ your br in the cafe, sorry. I love how it has turned out, and it definitely seems to be you!
    I'm putting you on my blogroll!

  6. I love your final product! Thanks for the plug ot my etsy shop. I am glad to know I am not the only one who is a bit neurotic about how my house looks--I'll repaint anything over and over until it's right. Kudos to you!

    Meringue Designs

  7. You painted all of those things TWICE?!?
    You are my hero.

  8. where did you get your headboard? It's nice and what I've been looking for.

  9. I understand the "find your style". I printed and saved a bunch of bathrooms - My Inspiration for my remodel. The only thing that resembles the pictures is the light vanity. The rest is ME. Those inspiration pics do not even appeal to me now. A while back another blog mentioned a style quiz on "Home Style"s website. Again, what I was looking at and liking was NOT me. No wonder I could not have those white couches - I have a black dog.

  10. Very pretty! I love the contrast of your black bed and the white nightstands. Where did you get them?

    I'm trying to find my style for my bedroom too. It's a mismatched mess of decent furniture and hand me downs.


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