Thursday, January 8, 2009


Our Suburban Cottage (OSC) was established in December 2008 and has grown steadily since with an average of 40,000 hits a month, and approximately 290,000 unique hits in 2009. OSC is consistently in the top 25 blogs in the Home & Garden niche on Blog Top Sites, and is regularly featured on other blogs in the Home & Garden sphere.

OSC is continuing to grow and develop in innovative and exciting ways and NOW is the time to take advantage of reasonable advertising rates as we partner and grow together.

My readers are a savvy bunch, primarily interested in products or services related to home decor, DIY projects, as well as fun items like jewelry and gifts.

Rates are currently $25 per month, with renewal available on a month to month basis. This rate includes a 125px x 125px ad button in a prominent location on OSC. If interested, please send an email with "Advertising" in the subject line to .

I also offer a giveaway post, where your products and site are featured and one lucky reader wins a product or service. These posts are fun for readers and successful in driving traffic to your site. Feel free to email me for rates.

Disclaimer: FTC Regulations Effective December 2009 require me to disclose that I receive compensation for the placement of advertising buttons on Our Suburban Cottage, I occasionally receive compensation for giveaways, and that I do not receive compensation for reviews. Regardless of whether I receive compensation from a seller or advertiser, my opinions are my own.