Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Greens

favoritegreenslabel Head over to Centsational Girl today where you can read my guest post that’s all about my favorite greens…in honor of St. Patty’s Day of course.

Have a great St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow!



  1. Hi Lady! Caught you over at Centsational Girl...loved your post. I'm so relieved about Ralph Lauren paint...seriously. We had the kitchen in our last house painted with Cathedral Gray (with cream cabinets)...was I the friend you were talking about? LOL! But seriously, I would be lost without those colors!!

  2. Saw you over there... it was great.
    I painted my china hutch green today, but I'm facing a quandry... if you get a chance to look and tell me what you think. (:

  3. Hi! I'm a new blogger and I love your site! I just became a follower. We seem to have such similar taste. I actually 'borrowed' one of your Better Homes and Gardens inspiration pics because it appealed to me so much.

  4. That was an awesome feature! I SO enjoyed it! Great work...as always!

    Also, I have a favor to ask...
    I'm trying to win a party contest and would love your help! Would you go here:


    and leave a comment at the end of the article? Your comment will give me a vote. Thanks so much! I appreciate it lots. <3

  5. Great guest post! Having a girls weekend and I'm going to focus on trying to find a topiary or two. Love yours.

  6. Your post was good. Green is my favorite color so I have enjoyed that series.

  7. Hi! I'm so excited to have you as a follower! I think your blog was the first one I stumbled across some six or so months back when I was googling "grain sacks". I saw your hand painted framed version and then proceeded to read all of your posts! You definitely helped inspire the creation of my own blog. THANK YOU!!!

  8. I the friend you were talking about? LOL! But seriously, I would be lost without those colors!!
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