Monday, January 4, 2010

Organization for LUFF’s

LUFF: Lazy Uninspired Frugal Folks

I didn’t want to write this post. Aside from the fact that everybody talks about organization in January, I just really (REALLY!) wanted to continue procrastinating an organizational overhaul of my guest room/sewing room/important paper piling room/cd storage room/general dumping ground room (please tell me you have one too).

To me, organizing is kind of like going to the dentist. It’s not incredibly pleasant, but it’s pretty darn necessary. Sooo, I’m starting a little series for you kindred spirits (I like to refer to us as LUFF’s...Lazy Uninspired Frugal Folks) where we all agree to tackle one project that has been nagging at us like a pesky neighbor…or a two year old…or a mother-in-law (take your pick).

I’ll do several posts this month with general ideas for organizing, and I’ll show you my progress on our disaster of a guest room. We’ll then have our own “I’m An Organized LUFF” party on Monday, February 1st where we all show one organizational project. Deal?

Feel free to grab my fancy party button on the sidebar (I'm so proud...I made it myself). And brace yourselves for the slightly horrifying "before" photo of my guest room tomorrow.

Have a great day!


  1. darn it! i'm going to be gone all month - but goodness knows I have a few. And unfortunately for my son, his bedroom is the island of misfit belongings - good thing he's in a crib....

  2. Ooh sounds like fun... count me in.


  3. What a great idea. Organized I like to be, organizing is not for me. I will most certainly be posting for your party.
    Traci @ ThreeDogsAtHome

  4. You did a GREAT job on your button. I have no clue how to do the coding on those. :s This sounds like a fun party...I definitely have my share of organizing challenges. :)

  5. OMGosh - count me in - darnit!! (I'm an A-Class cusser in real life, it just seems cheesy in blog-land, why is that you think?) OK, OK, count me in. Do you know HOW MUCH PAPERWORK is involved when you buy a house - a mountain. A mountain of paperwork is on my dresser and we have a staring contest every single night - and I lose! Maybe this will be the motivation I need to win this battle.

    I'll grab your button (because it is so cute) and I'll play along.

    Does this mean I have to start organizing tonight? I have plans, I need to run to Lowe's and . . . return something - I know I do!

  6. what great idea! let me gather up my organizational ideas!

  7. You reminded me to make my kids' dentist appts for this year!! Ha! And now that I've done that I came back to finish reading. . .count me in. I did post my biggest "hurt" room on my blog under New Year's Goals. . .and don't have that room "scheduled" until March. . .but if I can I'll fit it in now and post join your party too :) Love following your blog.

  8. Perfect timing!!! I am planning to get my sewing room organized, now that I've finished all the frenzied Christmas sewing ;o) It's teetering on the edge of messy/out of control - and I want to catch it before it becomes the bottomless pit it was last year before our fire =D

  9. I love parties that get me motivated. Sounds fun!

  10. I have one of those rooms, lol. This party sounds fab!

  11. I'm so in. I have two of these rooms actually...*gulp*. This may just be the motivation that I need!

  12. ««««««««For the love of.....will somebody help me figger out these button thingy`s.............I have tried and tried and just get so frustrated I walk away ;-I On the other hand, this sounds great! I actually got a head start, without before photo`s mind you, and got my bathroom vanity and linen closets done. For some reason I do these two things every year on my birthday (Jan 3rd) Seeing I never celebrateit, this seems like a good thing to do to keep my mind occupied ;-) Hint...Hint to my family.... ;-) LOL
    I`m definitely on board!

  13. Oooh - this could be painful. I have so many!

    1. Paint the entry-way hook shelf that he built for me two years ago and is now catching dust in my garage.
    2. Paint the powder bathroom baseboards that he rough fit for me for christmas.
    3. Finish painting the door casings we had replaced...(wait for it) 5 years ago. I got all excited and painted four of them before a dinner party in November, with grand hopes of finishing by Xmas. ROFL. Only 7 left to go (actually 14, since it's both sides.)


  14. ok Im in....but I might have to work on more than one room I think :D

  15. ok, i guess you're dragging me in kicking and screaming---and holding on to way too much stuff! thanks for the inspiration. today, i plan to tackle the schoolroom. wish me luck!


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