Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Doing It All

I may regret this post later, but what do I have to lose?

I’ve been thinking lately about us gals, and how we seem to constantly be faced with the duty? responsibility? charge? opportunity? of doing it all.

I’m not complaining here, and I only tell you this because I think many of you can relate, but from my own experience and from chatting with friends, it seems like we ladies are responsible for quite a bit: Working outside the home; Working inside the home; Paying bills; Creating budgets; Meal planning (which must be healthy, kid friendly, and budget friendly, right?); Grocery shopping (ugh); Cooking (double ugh); Cleaning/Organizing the house (triple ugh, ugh, ugh); Cleaning vomit (kid…dog…whatever…it falls on us); Home repairs?; Planning/budgeting car maintenance; Cleaning the car; Looking pretty (within said budget); Being phenomenal wives, friends, mothers, daughters; And, of course, having a beautifully decorated home that’s blog worthy/guest worthy at any moment.

And does anyone else out there feel an enormous amount of guilt if they don’t accomplish all of these things to perfection? Or at least within the ballpark of perfect (not sure which ballpark that is…maybe Lambeau Field…which is more of a football stadium than a ballpark…but whatever…Brett Favre played there and that’s good enough in my book). And does anyone else feel insanely overwhelmed and like they’re falling short all the time?

This blog started out as strictly being a decorating blog (my heartbeat…aside from the true, meaningful things in my life such as faith, family and Reeses Peanut Butter cups), but I feel strongly that I need to start talking about a few other things: The struggles and obligations we face as women (no offense to men and their own struggles); Healthy living (for my own selfish benefit); Fashion (again…selfish, selfish, selfish); and DECORATING!!!…which will of course continue my heavy emphasis on creating a beautiful home on a budget and paint, fabric, and do-it-yourself-because-you-are-WOMAN! projects.

I am planning on a 2-3 post per week schedule…more if I’m able…but that’s what’s been stirring inside me. I have to write from my heart. I have to write from my experiences and passion…and hope that those things help, inspire and resonate with some of you out there.

Cool? Cool.

With love,



  1. Absolutely, the guilt is sometimes overwhelming. Sometimes I look around and think I'm the only one who's failing on a massive scale.

  2. Love it. Can't wait to read what you have to share. Nice to see you pop up in my reader tonight! xoxo

    emily@remodeling this life

  3. I think you have posted what all of us feel and sometimes don't want to talk about or we feel like we are the only ones who feel this way.
    Our jobs are 24/7, 365 days a year, you never stop being a mom, wife, friend, housekeeper, cook, laundry person, etc. We don't get "raises" or job reviews unless we turn the whites pink or burn dinner. We don't get bonuses or paid vacations but I think we get rewarded in other ways to which I am thankful. Imagine doing all this about 100 years ago, yuck! Sorry for the long response.

  4. I just had this EXACT conversation with my husband tonight. I wonder if it will get a little easier when all the kids can tie their own shoes.

  5. I know! It's crazy! I think our expectations for ourselves are way too high sometimes.

    I'm happy to read anything you want to write about, really. I'm just happy to see you posting again! :-)

  6. I look forward to all the things you have to share in these areas we all face on an on going basis.

  7. I am looking forward to anything you have to say to help me manage my time, organize my life and look good while we are doing it. Let it all out, sister. We are here to listen. :) Hugs from Texas, Tara

  8. Amen, sister. I sometimes feel like a jack of all trades, master of none.

  9. The good thing about a blog is that it can be anything you want it to be. No boss to tell you how often or about what you can write.

    Find your own balance, in your own time, in your own words.

    Enjoy it!

  10. Very well put. Love this post. I feel guilty on a daily basis if my husband gets home and things aren't perfect. Part of that I think is taking to much on myself or setting unattainable goals. In the middle of all that too it's hard to find a bit of just you, but we need that. Yes balance is VERY hard to get.

    The Cheeky Cafe

  11. All I can say is....it's about time someone said it like this...no offense meant to anyone who may have touched on this base prior! I have been reading so many blogs for over a year now, not having participated in sharing my own blog, as once I read them all on a daily basis, I haven't enough time to: write, add photo's, crop said photo's, do all the craft and decorating projects I read about, decorate my own home, cater to my adoring husband, play with my grandchildren and still do what all of you beautiful women do.
    This is why I have hesitated putting my blog out there! I just don't know how some, or most, of you do it!
    I think scaling it down a tad is healthy. I wish you much comfort in your choice and I will continue to be a faithful fan of your blog :-)

  12. Oh, do I ever "get" that! Hang in there and can't wait to read more about how you juggle...maybe we can trade some tips. : )

  13. Lots of similar thoughts going on in this neck of the woods too. I just can't do it all. I feel like a failure half the time, and I know that's not the case. I wonder why we put such high expectations on ourselves. It's like setting yourself up for failure. So I try not to feel guilty...and you should too!


  14. I enjoyed reading your post and felt comforted by not being alone in my desire to change the focus of my blog just a bit. Thank you for the inspiration and nudge to make a few changes of my own.

    You can't do it ALL, but you don't need to, you just need to do this stuff than will matter to your kids, keep your marriage strong, keep yourself growing, and keep the bills paid. The rest of the stuff is just stuff. And not all stuff has to be done well, some stuff doesn't have to be done at all.

    I wish you very good luck with you upcoming changes. Please stop by in a week and check out the changes I will be making.


  15. I totally agree. I constantly set myself targets that even superwoman couldn't acheive then beat myself up over it. My husband is always telling me my 'to do list' is too long and I should have a shorter one to make it easier on myself. I'm really lucky in that my husband starts work at 5.30am so is home in time to get the kids from school, feed them and make my tea so that 'burden' is not mine however I work full-time, deal with all paperwork and finances and try to run a business (Etsy shop and private sales and fairs) from home where I make all the stuff. I am up til 1am almost every day and convince myself that I'm only doing it for my family so that we can have a great holiday next year. Because I'm so busy though I end up letting housework etc slide and then feel really guilty.
    I'm glad I'm not alone and am looking forward to reading more on this series.

  16. Your new direction sounds wonderful. Write and blog from the heart and your followers will love it. Don't worry about what we want to read....it's your blog! Use it as an open and honest vehicle to say what you want to say and share what you want to share and people will feel the integrity and the passion and LOVE it. Nice to have you back on a regular basis.
    X Briohny.

  17. The good news for young women is your perspective, and circumstances, change as you get older, and your children grow up, and there is once again time to seek your authentic self. I used to feel exactly this way, but it is true that age brings wisdom!

    Cathy@Turkey Creek Lavender

  18. I love the idea of keeping it real. It provides context to decorating endeavors, something I very much appreciate because we all know that nothing happens in a vacuum, including decorating our homes.

    Love your blog and look forward to all the ideas and stories you have to share.

  19. AMEN~!
    I suffered through years of dealing with what you posted.. Then :: cant believe I remember the exact date and time:: on sept. 28th 1992 I said~~ENOUGH.. I had probably said that many time but that day I put it into practise and havent deviated from it since.. I am one person and can only do so much and no more AND I do not feel the least bit guilty for what I dont get done..
    Its been a revelation for me since when I stopped doing it all and it became obvious I wasnt going back to trying to, those around me started doing their share without a word being said..
    We truly do teach people how to treat us on a minute to minute basis.. so TEACH others to do their part by NOT doing it for them..
    good luck to you

    155 Dream Lane

  20. It already resonates with me. Looking forward to hearing more about life.

  21. This post felt so MUCH about what I am dealing with these days. The desire to want to be perfect. It can be overwhelming. My goal this year, is to let go of perfection and reach for happiness instead.

  22. I get it. Totally. My struggle is with feeling guilty when I spend my time doing things that I enjoy (crafting, sewing, blogging, reading, decorating) instead of doing things that NEED doing (cooking, cleaning, laundry). The things that need doing get done, but when they get done at the expense of "me time" I start to feel bogged down and put upon. It's hard to find the right balance.

  23. If this was Facebook and Facebook had a triple 'like' feature, I'd click it.

  24. I agree with you. I feel like there's some ridiculously high standard that I'm supposed to live up to, and in all reality it's basically impossible to meet this standard. I'm trying hard not to feel guilty if my condo isn't clean all the time - but its a slow process to overcome.

    On another note, I fully support other topics in your blog. I can't wait to see what you'll come up with!

  25. I have been strugling with this as a very new blogger. I love reading what you have to say and you should say it loud and proud, I am with you.

  26. Oh yes, double yes, we should talk about it more. I work full time and would love to blog more, but there are of course more pressing things to do. I don't feel guilty about not blogging more, I post when I feel like it. period.
    but I do feel guilty about not keeping up with other things, like mopping the floor, or not keeping up with the dog hair and dust bunnies accumulating under the furniture, or my bedroom closet which just gets ignored and becomes a dumping ground. Oh well... thanks for keeping things real! Marla

  27. Hugs to you, AnNicole! I think writing from the heart comes across so much better than "I better get this post out just because I have to" writing. I feel tremendous guilt every day...my house isn't clean enough, decorated enough, my kids aren't well enough behaved, I don't go to the gym enough, etc. etc. Time to let go and just focus on the important stuff. :)

  28. Boy did you hit the nail on the head! So true. Lately I have had to lean on my family more (due to some minor health issues) and the guilt of not being able to do everything is horrible. I used to do it all. Glad to know I am not alone. Kit

  29. I think your new subject matter will be wonderful and it is wonderful to see your blog evolving as your feel led! Can't wait to read more.

  30. I know exactly how you feel. I always think every one else is doing it all much better and more perfect than I am.
    I recently started doing more posts about my life and kids, with some decorating thrown in. And I have scaled waaaaay back. I may have lost some traffic and followers, but I figure it's my blog and I will write about what I want. Also, it becomes more therapeutic and less "business-ey".
    Can't wait to read your upcoming posts!!

    Hang in there,

  31. Can totally relate and look forward to reading the posts!!!

  32. "success, failure, success, failure" rattles in my brain all day long.

    The daily comparison is grueling. Can we make it stop?

    I look forward to the honest words that you have to share!


  33. Sounds exciting!! I love to see the other sides of all the talented women of blogland! :)


  34. Wow! So you definitely touched a nerve with a lot of people. I know I can definitely relate. What you wrote reminded me a lot of a writing prompt from my writer's group titled "Have you ever tried to be perfect?" You've inspired me to post it on my blog. You are totally right that we as women put too much pressure on ourselves. We can't do it all, but we continue to try and when something falls through the cracks, as something inevitably must, massive guilt ensues. I've enjoyed reading your past posts and seeing the beautiful projects you've done in your home. You may not do all things perfectly, but you definitely do many things well. Try to remember that be encouraged.

  35. Cool!!! That is what I've had to do. I intended to have a blog about decorating but the projects are just to few and far between so I do random other things and then I enjoy blogging and don't feel stressed. I guess you could say my blog is a dog's breakfast - but I'm okay with that - someone will enjoy it.

  36. Your always full of encouragement, so let's cope together - positively.

  37. Agreed - and we just can't wait to read ANYTHING you have to post.....we've missed you.
    I think this time of year is especially challenging. The holidays are filled with ideas set in our heads by commercials, movies, magazines - you name.... and we feel like in order to create lasting memories for our families we have to create these "perfect" places, treats, presents. It's that time of year when we ALL need to be reminded to simply.
    Thank you and can't wait to hear from you on a more regular basis.

  38. I'm just glad you're back! I've missed reading your posts. And it's your blog, so you should write about whatever you want!!! =0) Can't wait to hear what you have to say.

  39. You speak it sister! I look forward to reading what you have to say! I know I struggle with that C word-- COMPARING myself constantly to see if I match up with others...it's so easy to only see the "picture perfect photos" and wonder how a person can do it all. Thanks for desiring to keep it real.

  40. I'll read whatever you post - just glad to see you "back" :) Missed you!

  41. You speak for all the women out there :) I've noticed myself, how wonderfully adept are we (i.e. women) to feeling guilty. And it doesn't help admitting it out loud! :lol: the guilty feeling is still there. I'm looking forward to reading your blog, and not only about decorating!

  42. Yes, yes, YES! I do believe all of that fully. It is a very demanding world for us Women and we all need to take a step back now and then. I am happy to read what ever you have to say. Have a relaxing weekend,
    Ness xx

  43. Rarely, do I comment--usually just a stalker--but I want you to know that I have really enjoyed reading your posts. I admire your talent, and your ability to communicate. Because of your DIY posts, I actually did some sprucing up around my house this past summer that I would have normally paid someone to do for me; you inspired me! I have missed you, and selfishly would love to read daily postings, but be sure to take care of you first. I am much older than you and many years ago when I found myself jumping inside out of myself trying to please everyone, I finally learned to say "No." At first, I felt very guilty, but it
    became easier and I was able to focus on the people and things most important in my life. Do what feels right to you!
    Bless you!

  44. I definitely agree -- I have been having these same thoughts lately. Can't wait to see where your new direction takes your blog... I will for sure still be a fan!! I've definitely missed reading your posts. :)

  45. OMG!! Was just thinking the same thing. I had a meltdown of sorts on Sunday...feeling just the same way. So glad you said it for all of us who were thinking it on the inside! Take heart...none of us would have even known you weren't perfect, but sure appreciate the honesty!

  46. So true!! And yes, I feel that all the time. It's crazy. I remember when my little sis just had her babies, I filled her in saying, "No matter what, you will always do more in your marriage and especially with the kids. Your husband may think he's doing half, but their perception of half and the reality of half are two completely different things!"

  47. I'm an OCD perfectionist starting off... my mom did that to me, she is also! And then having everything in my plate I always feel overwhelmed! ALWAYS!

    I know men have things they to do but I feel like I could run circles around my husband! He wakes up early WAH WAH WAH! I wake up early and deal/chase two toddlers ALL.DAY.LONG! He goes to his job and then he comes home. I stay at my job 27/7/365! I am always a mom! When something needs to be done its MOM everyone runs to! Husband : Where are my shoes? Son: I'm thirsty!! Daughter: I POOPED!! Dogs(2): We need food, water, and we want to go outside! This is all me! ME!

    Yeah needless to say this post hit home for me!!

  48. Very Cool - I think it makes for a better blog ro mix it up. I have found the posts where I spoke of things besides decorating and crafts got the most response. Who knew?
    My best - Diane

  49. Can't wait to hear all about the things churning inside you. We can all relate:)

  50. Thank you for the post! I'm not even a mother yet and I already feel this type of pressure.I look forward to hearing more "real" talk! I think everyone can relate to what you said, in one form or another.

  51. I just finally had time to sit down and read this and I must have needed it because it has been very difficult around my house lately especially this week. I feel like I am the only one that does it all and has it ALL on my shoulders. Thanks for this and I look forward to reading more soon.

  52. I read a lot of blogs whenever I find time for it but not too many gals bring up this subject. I know very well what you are talking about and hard it is sometimes for us women to keep up on everything what is expected from us.
    At least my kids are out of the house but therefor now I am on duty for babysitting my grandson at least once a week. But you know what, I do love this life and if things would change, I might be living a boring life.

  53. Wow.

    My husband and I got into a small argument today because of laundry. I'm WAY behind on laundry, and he mentioned that he didn't have any pants. IMMEDIATELY, I got angry and defensive, and then started to tear up, because I felt like I failed. It's HARD to do it all, and I don't even have kids!

  54. I am a 26 yr. old married working (self employed) mother of three toddlers. I feel like a failure as a human being most days. Like I failed at the grand illusion of the American Dream....Beucase I can't do it all anymore. But the older I get the more I realize..Everyone else feels exactly the same way. Thank you for the realism..You made me feel like I'm normal becuase I'm not the only one.

  55. It's about Time! I've NEVER replied to a blog, but this struck me, seriously. I'm a closet blog reader who loves DIY projects, decorating ideas, and crafts that as working outside the home mom of 2 can handle! I wish I could start my own blog. I constantly email my co-workers pictures and commentary of my diy work for validation, confirmation, or just flat out, HA look what I did, really, can you believe it? That coming from someone who's husband wears pink slippers and has no idea what a compound miter saw is. (BTW, just scored one from an estate sale and so excited to get acquainted) I'm doing good to get him to change the air filters or help with the yard work :) and we have 2 boys, God help them! They'll learn the yardwork, toolbox and how to paint from good 'ole Mom who can hang and still has to get a pedicure every other week and highlights every 3 months.

    I often wondered how these bloggers maintain a household with all the things you mentioned and do it so well. I usually decide in my brain that it's because their husbands make lots of money, or their kids aren't in school yet, etc....to make me feel better.

    My job is for sure FULL TIME, but I love making my house a home and enjoy decorating, diy projects etc. I love seeing a post like this and I say, can I get an AMEN?

    Thank you!

  56. I'm a closet blog reader and have NEVER left a comment after all the reading, tutorials and pictures I've viewed, ideas I've gained, etc..but this struck me.

    As a Mom of 2 who works outside the home, I often wondered how these bloggers kept it all together and still had the time and creativity to post a blog that I always waited for! I'm a bit jealous and I wish to have a blog of my own, but just don't think I have the time to handle it so succsessfully as those I read, and don't subscribe, remember I'm a closet blog reader.

    My 2 boys will learn their way around a toolbox, yard maintenance and how to paint, etc. from their good ol' Mom since Dad is the type that wears pink house slippers (seriously), has no idea what a compound miter saw is, and thinks doing diy projects is changing the air filters, God love him!

    So thanks for this post. As I work hard to build a happy, healthy, learning home of strong boys with a Mom's influence.

    A Mom - The most underappreciated job, yet wouldn't give it up for anything!

  57. Can you tell it's my first time to post...I posted twice, DUH..Geez...

  58. I agree with all the above, too much of everything rests on our shoulders, and typically it's other womens' expectations and acceptances that make our lot a huge burden to bear in life. How wonderful if people were judged on how nice a person they are and not how well dressed, how immaculate their house is, how well behaved their children are, if they work outside the home, if they bake cookies, if they do volunteer work, if they are skinny and stylish...etc see, the list is endless, stuff everyone, make yourself happy...life is way too short to waste it worrying about what others think!!!

  59. Can't wait to hear/read what you have to share. Bring it on! :) And we've missed you.

  60. Oh, I hear you! Good luck with everything, and it's YOUR blog, so you get to write what you like!

  61. I believe that is the norm. Just want to share something I read before that might make you smile: Women work all the time. Men have to put up signs: "Caution: Men at Work" Have a lovely day, Kellie xx

  62. Found you through a Nesting Place link..love your blog! I totally feel ya on the whole doing it all thing. Can't wait to read more posts!

  63. I can totally relate to you. I feel the same way. I can't wait to see what you have to say and do in the new year.


  64. This post came at a great time. This was exactly how I was feeling today! I feel like as a mom & wife I have to wear so many hats - and sometimes I just want help or can't do it all! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  65. I feel the same way, and this is a regular discussion topic in our household, and we don't even have kids yet. I'm always wondering how everyone seems to do it all. It's comforting to know I'm not alone in feeling overwhelmed at times. Thanks for this great post!

  66. Isn't it amazing how much we expect of ourselves. I can work myself into a frenzy over something really silly.
    Your blog is suppose to be a place to escape to, post what and when you feel!



  67. I'm an interior designer from Melbourne, Australia - I loved your blog, I found it very inspiring. This is all new to me but I have just set up my own blog
    You may like to check it out because I had so much fun doing it.
    Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!

  68. I don't know how much I relate to needing perfection at this point!
    I was abandoned with three little kids and I work full time now, so all the other junk has fallen apart.
    I never cook anymore, my kids won't eat anything I make anyway, my house is always a wreck and I don't give a rat's patootie... but I was waaay more guilty feeling when I was married.
    I can't figure it out...I wonder if all the pressure was coming from having to keep the guy happy, or if I was just doing it to myself. ? I guess I'll never know. But as stressful as it all is, I know that nobody expect my house to be spotless when they come over. :)

  69. I'm an interior designer from Melbourne, Australia - I loved your blog, I found it very inspiring. This is all new to me but I have just set up my own blog
    You may like to check it out because I had so much fun doing it. It's got a bit of everything fashion, interiors, food, travel spots - hopefully you will find something in there that you like.
    Thanks for providing me with such great entertainment!

  70. Go for it girl! I've been enjoying reading your blog for awhile and I adopted the 2-3 post per week schedule for my blog, http://www.willblogforbeauty.com awhile ago because sometimes it is just TOO much! Give yourself some time to just BREATHE! Looking forward to your next posts ; )

  71. yes! so many things ring true....i try to remind myself that we have to enjoy things too! susan

  72. I totally agree and thank you for sharing! Really nicely put. I for one can't wait for the fashion posts. :)

    Heather @ REOlisticRenovation

  73. are you coming back soon? also, was looking to see finished info on the master bath - i'm starting my own reno soon and need some ideas and seeing you do the things you've done give me the inspiration to do it!

  74. I feel exactly like it about my blog and my life. You really nailed down to the truth what's going on with a huge population of women. This is not funny...Thank you for having the courage to express it so simply and follow your heart. Thank you for sharing!

  75. WOW! I came across your blog today and that is exactly the way I'm feeling today. Could not have been any clearer. I started a blog recently and am already thinking of quitting. I look at all these other blogs that are so beautiful and inspring (including yours) and think, where do they find the time? I've posted a few things and yet I feel as if I've failed miserably. I also love to decorate and do so many other things but I feel resentful b/c I HAVE to work outside the home and then juggle everything else as you mentioned. Thanks for the post it truly was meant for me to find it today. Great blog!

  76. I am very happy to have stumbled upon your site, and saddened to see nothing posted since November. That is exactly what life can do. The reality sets in and the extra time goes away. Miss ya!

  77. Hi AnNicole! Let me just say you were one of the first blogs I stumbled upon over a year ago when I started blogging. You personally helped me choose wall colors and were so sweet to answer my questions. You are terribly missed and I look forward to the day when you return with your creative ideas. Your post rings true for so many of us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Much love - Alicia

  78. In a brief answer - nope!

    I don't feel guilty about not getting to everything or not getting to everything as seemingly "perfect" as everyone else.

    I think the real questions to ask are: Why is it that one feels that way? Who are they comparing themselves to? Why aren't they secure enough in their own abilities and just let go and be happy with how they really are?

    I think once women do that, this guilt factor won't be an issue.

    And for the record, I used to read a lot of different design blogs but they have all become a bit boring. I like blogs that encorporate everyday life and thoughts. Even with my own I notice the big reads are posts on thrifting but I feel more creative when I write a real story or some thoughts down.

    I look forward to more of your stuff!

  79. Cool!! Although single, I am going through the same thing. Always guilty always working. You are smart and we love you for it. Set your boundaries and we will be here to read your 2 - 3 blogs faithfully.



  80. Miss you dear! Hope all is well.

  81. Miss you! Please start blogging again soon! :)

    Hope all is well!

  82. Did you run off and get married?

  83. I do feel guilty and I want to kick myself for it. I have two little ones 3yrs old and under. What other time in my life can I get away with fingerprints on the sliding glass door or beds unmade? Time with them is more important in the long run - especially since that time will go faster than I can possibly imagine.

  84. I totally relate. I've been feeling overwhelmed lately as well which is what spawned a little "Life Cleanse" for me; weeding out the things that are cluttering my life to allow me to have more time and more enjoyment (in theory). I look forward to your posts!

    - Angela of FixingItFancy.com

  85. Yes, I feel the same way. Looking forward to your future posts. :)

  86. Just found you through Reluctant Entertainer and am so glad I did.

    You just spoke to me!!!

    Looking forward to reading more...

  87. I have been single (well living alone, dating doesn't count right?) for about 5 years now. I love being responsible for everything in my life and in control of it all, but there are definitely days when I just want someone else to take the reins and let me have some totally irresponsible days and nights with no worries...but then I look around, and I am really proud of what I have built all on my own... some-days we just have to be not quite so hard on ourselves...we are awesome women with amazing abilities, and we should be proud without the guilt of not being able to do it all, all of the time...

  88. Wow... Where should I begin. First let me start here... I love your blog. I just just found it and have read So many of your posts.

    I love them!! I'm looking forward to you advice.

    I understand the need and feeling to do everything. The women in my family try to balance that by doing something for ourselves. I hope to post more about what we do in the future. Hopefully it will inspire someone else to do the same.

    Thank you!


  89. I agree with the previous posters. We can not do it all. I saw your headboard listed on Pinterest and was excited that it was you. I have enjoyed your blog in the past. I thought you had returned! Hope all is well.

  90. Couldn't have said it better. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. If you don't feel like coming back, I'd like to say, as a creatively challenged person, how much I enjoyed taking a look at your creativity. It is inspiring.

  91. i miss your blog! You have the best ideas and simple instructions!

  92. Yeah...I have been going through my reader and deleting blogs that make me feel like I can't do it all. I will keep reading

  93. Hi, I was was doing a random search (for paint color ideas) and stumbled across your blog. I am definitley looking into that Restoration Hardware cappucino -- it just may be the perfect color I've been searching for. I love your decorating ideas. Always nice to see a fellow "okie" on the web. Did you feel those earthquakes this weekend?

  94. Great article, thanks for sharing! Here is a collection of happy birthday messages, happy birthday wishes for husband and happy birthday wishes for a friend. I hope this helps you find the perfect birthday greetings.


Don't be shy. I LOVE reading each and every one of your comments. If you have a question for me, watch for a response in the comments or shoot me an email. Thanks!