Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 Ways to Enjoy What’s Left of Summer

I’m one of those rare creatures that can’t get enough of Summer – even when it’s hot as Hades. Yes, I love Summer so much that it can be 110 degrees outside and humid and I’m happy as a clam (…I’m assuming clams are down with hot and humid).

So before we start pulling out the apple wreaths and chenille throws and our latest straw/burlap creations (hee hee) let’s savor just a little more Summer, okay? Because, lest you forget, it’s going to look like this outside before we know it. Brrrrr!!!

ice storm


1) Can You Say BBQ?: Ohhh, this is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. It’s not so much about the food (which is of course a bonus) as it is about hanging out on the deck with friends and family. Invite some friends over for a bring-your-own-meat potluck dinner, or just make it a special night for you and the family.

2) Savor Summer Foods: Eat a popsicle on the front porch; Top vanilla ice cream with strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream; Drink lemonade; Get a real life ice cream cone from an honest to goodness ice cream shop.

Image: Martha Stewart

3) Swim: Now I’m as swimsuit averse as the next girl, but there’s nothing like a cool swim on a hot day. Sneak into your neighbor’s pool if you have to (totally kidding…no getting arrested and blaming it on me).


4) Stroll through a Farmer’s Market: Most cities have these. There’s nothing better than spending a sunny Saturday morning mingling with your community, looking at fresh produce, fresh cut flowers, and crafts.


5) Keep it Light: Don’t pack away the floral pillows, white cotton throws, and fresh accents just yet. Breathe in the moment just a smidge longer.

Image: Apartment Therapy

What special things do you look forward to in the Summer?


  1. Right now here in Eufaula, Ok it is 105 and we are all trying to hide out. This is always our hottest time of the year so we have a break for a lot of our fun until it is safe to be back outside. School starts next week, but we can have a lot more fun towards the end of August beginning of September. Have a blessed day and I love your list.

  2. Finally making it to the beach in September. I can't wait!

  3. Anicole..
    Your list is perfect..
    and I'm with you..
    I'm a Florida beach girl..
    I love it all white and light..
    with watery blues and greens..
    Living in Denver..WINTER comes much to early for me..I love to savor Autumn first instead of popping from the heat of summer to shoveling snow over nite!
    but most of all.. I love not having to run an A/C and sleeping with the windows open..until the snow flies!
    warm sandy hugs..

  4. I am so, so, so with you on this one.

    It never fails that as soon as August rolls around, everyone starts reminding me how many days there are left until school starts. Of course that's when I'll be going back to work. I told friends and fam they are only allowed to remind me that it's back-to-school soon on Labour day weekend.

    I plan on doing all 5 of your suggestions. Yeah!

  5. Oh my I'm still waiting for summer in Alaska. lol. It's been dreadful this year with tons of rain, temps in the 60's and 40's at night. The really sad part is that car is all to familiar. Well...not quite as bad but still, it's bad enough. Our stinkin' trees are actually starting to lose leaves and ever so slightly turn.

    Okay happier thoughts, when I do get to be in a real summer environment the things I love are sweet tea, homemade lemonade, cool evenings, mountain air, and swimming pools!!!!!! I loooove cool mornings and just sitting outside having coffee before the heat comes in. I actually like the humid North Carolina weather. Must pass on Las Vegas during summer. That's just waaaaay to dang HOT!! Beaches, BBQ's, gosh.... I miss all of that. But I am going to Chicago in a week so I'll get a bit of summer then and on to Florida in November.

    Loved your post...it got me thinking and reminiscing.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  6. What a nice post as I sit in very unlady like sweat. You are so right I am going to jump in the pool and then have an ice cream.

  7. Amen sista, I'm doing ALL of that. Loving summer still so much, SOOOOO not ready for fall.

  8. I am 100% with you on this one!! I can't wait for the summer days to arrive and want to hang on to them as long as possible! Thinking everyone must think like me (thank goodness this isn't true) I'm very surprised when I hear people can't wait for summer to end. But then again, I live in Oregon! Janell

  9. Oh, how I love summer! I don't ever want it to end!
    Some of our favorite things to do during the summer is BBQ, go swimming at the river, make homemade ice cream, and plain old relax! Oh, an of course, I love light summer decorating!
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!!
    Beth. :)

  10. Camping in heavily treed cool campsites beside a sparkling lake, ice caps, and dinner on the beach!


  11. I'm happy as a hot clam right next to you. I could have it hot as hades for the whole year and would not have a problem with it! I love summer and all that summer brings! It has been 85 and breezy here and I have been soaking it all in! STAY AWAY FALL!!

  12. I was just thinking of how as soon as Aug rolls around I can feel summer slipping away. I need to savor it more :)

    We like to spread a blanket in the backyard after dinner and look at the clouds while our son plays on the swing set.

  13. I typically adore summer but this year's has sucked. So amazingly hot! Yucky. However, your list is a good one and I would take hot and humid over frigid icebergs any day!

  14. I live in Oklahoma as well and am enjoying the 105+ degrees. I even wrote about it today too. I believe we are in the minority!

    While I love autumn, I HATE for summer to leave us!
    Lori L

  15. oh man, that car covered in ice...makes me want to lay on it!!! Great ideas and that pool looks simply divine.

  16. I can't believe summer is already almost over. I plan on enjoying every last minute of it. I am ready for the temps to go down a bit but that's probably just because my a/c isn't working right. I am definitely not looking forward to winter in Utah.

  17. I love taking a rain bath (shower)and washing my hair outside.

  18. I'm not a summer person but I must admit your suggestions tempted me to hang in there for a few more weeks instead of wishing it was October!

  19. I live in Florida and I am the complete opposite LOL. But then again we have been dealing with this heat and humidity since around March... and of course our winter is nothing like that picture [eek!]. We live in Northwest Florida so we get to enjoy the color changes in the leaves come fall, the 0% humidity and a nice calm winter [meaning no snow what so ever], chilly enough for a turtle neck sweater and a peacoat at night. LOVE IT!!

  20. All really good ideas for enjoying Summer but I can't stand this heat.Maybe if I had a pool....

    Stop on over and enter the giveaway.

  21. 105 degree yesterday in St.Louis. Barricading myself inside and looking outside at my sad looking Garden. Seeing your "cool" images made me realize I can do something to still enjoy the rest of the summer. If not anything else to stay in the basement reading your blogs.



  22. I so agree with you. Plus what is the rush? Lets enjoy every single beautiful day and not rush to the next

  23. It's 112 in Phoenix today so unless we're in the pool, we're inside with air conditioning. When it's this hot out, though, the pool water is luke warm, which is the best for night swimming. Floating on my back, looking up at the stars is one of the things I really look forward to this time of year. Your list was great!

  24. Sadly, I have been working full time this summer, and I have not been able to do the things I love to do.
    If I had more time I would take some naps under the oak tree in our front yard and I would make some home made ice cream.
    Have a great rest of the summer!

  25. Here in So Cal, its the summer that wasn't...we haven't had a really hot day all summer!! I'm expecting the heat to roll in around Sept and Oct. So, we are heading to the desert to enjoy some hot hot hot weather and some swimming in a big resort pool before school starts Aug 30.

  26. I am with you for sure! I love the warmer weather and we are still in Winter here in Australia. It is starting to show signs of Spring though and I cant wait. All of the things you mentioned are top of the list for what I love about Summer. Add on to it backyard Cricket (which is a tradition here in Aus) that goes perfectly with a BBQ, throw open the French doors to catch the ocean breeze and have some music piping out to the yard and I am set...what could be better?! Enjoy it =0)
    Ness xx

  27. I love that the nights start to cool down in August. I love sleeping with all the windows open.

  28. love your list! hmmm... i guess i'd say staying up late on weeknights ha. (my husband teaches and so he's home during the summer) I'm with you, i love summer and never want it to end. (although do get insanelyh excited over fall too ;)

  29. Great list! I'm in Texas where it is SUPER HOT! We plan to do most of the things on your list this week to try to beat the heat. We enjoyed ice cream this afternoon!

  30. Summer has flown by for me! I didn't get to the home projects I had hoped to but ended up doing more fun things for once instead of working on the house.

    We have an incredible family owned drive-in theater that we go to as much as we can during the summer so we are going to squeeze a couple more in.
    Popcorn just tastes better with the windows open!


  31. Here in New Zealand our winter is about to end and spring will officially arrive in a few weeks. Having said that, the part I live in is very temperate and we only get severe frosts a dozen times during winter maximum. No snow at all, although other areas do. I can't even imagine living somewhere that freezes like in that first pic. I do know one thing - I wouldn't cope!!!

  32. I love ice cream year round so I guess I can't really count that!
    I love bare feet, not wearing a coat, fresh veggies, and if it cools down enough, throwing the windows open.
    We live near Lake Erie, and we sometimes just get dinner from Subway, take it down to the lake and set up our lawn chairs and enjoy the view. Can't do that in the winter!

  33. This is our first Summer in our new home - and with a pool - so we're savoring every blistering triple-digit day that comes our way. We've gotten into the habit of concocting homemade popsicles and lounging around on the shady patio.

    I'm usually all for Fall, but I'm really going to miss Summer when the days start shortening and cooling down.

  34. Hey Suburban Cottage,
    Just had to tell you that you are a girl after my own heart regarding how you feel about summer. Thanks for the post. You nailed it!

  35. the window ledge is very beautiful, a very serene and relaxing place where you can sit and read, very beautiful decor

  36. great tips! i totally agree, there's nothing like a casual bbq with friends on a lazy summer day. enjoy labor day weekend - it always seems like the symbolic end of summer...

  37. I love your list. It is already pretty cool where I am from, so I do my end of summer activities in August. I love the fall, but winter comes way too quickly.

  38. I look forward to lazy days on the beach reading my favorite books! Sipping lemonade and working in the yard! :)

    Lovin your blog! Have a super duper weekend!

  39. The picture of that car is crazy! Is that really real? Photoshop makes me skeptical of any crazy picture. Anyway, great post. I'm ready for fall, but this is a great reminder to relish those warm days that come in September.

  40. I also LOVE summer, but have to admit after moving back to Midwest after being in Texas for 2 years, I am super excited about having a real Fall again!

  41. Is this blog abandoned? If it is I will take it off my favorites bar and out of my rotation.It used to be my favorite, but sadly I can't recommend it anymore.

  42. I just love summer the way you have listed your "love for summer". Adding to your list is the fact that all pipes are running well during summer. I mean we don't have frozen pipes that even burst when the temperature reached 0. I'm just glad that there are our neighbor
    plumbing (Minneapolis-based) and plumbing (Minnesota-based) to help us.

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  44. Sounds great. Looking forward for a great summer. Thanks for the tips.
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