Thursday, October 15, 2009

Etsy Love - My New Friend "Cozy"

May I mention for the quadrillianth time that I'm originally from Utah? While I love many things about my mountain home, one thing I DO NOT miss (even for 5 seconds...or 2) is 9 months of grey, dark, cold, snowy, icy weather every year. I never appreciated Fall that much before I moved to Oklahoma because A) It was ridiculously short, and B) It was akin to a funeral march for my dearly departed (and way too short) Summer.

I've actually grown to like Autumn since I moved to Okie land. It's long, it's gentle (most of the time), and it gives you a chance to savor the change to crisp weather, bold colored leaves, and to relish in the opportunity to embrace "cozy". Fall is my new friend and her name is "Cozy".
Let me elaborate with the help of my lovely assistant, Etsy.
"Cozy" loves it when I curl up in a comfy throw:

Etsy - WrapAround

Etsy - Gem43

And sip something warm from a lovely mug that makes me smile:

Etsy - Bellahope

Etsy - Retrogalusa

Etsy - Brookish

(I have to buy the Pride & Prejudice mug shown above. What is it about Mr. Darcy? He's really kind of a jerk, but my-oh-my he makes me giddy as a schoolgirl...can I get an amen? And while I'm on a tangent here...if you haven't watched the A&E version of Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth...go out and rent it now! Sigh...)

And nothing makes "Cozy" happier than a yummy scented candle:

Etsy - Blisscandles

Etsy - LilacAve

And when I'm ready to step outside into the gently brisk air, I can adorn myself in warm toned jewelry and fuzzy scarves:

Etsy - BotanicalBird

Etsy - Bluebirdsandblossoms

Ahhh, "Cozy", I'm glad we were able to meet.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Very cozy finds! I live in the south so we have summer all year with a few months of winter, but a few months of fall would be wonderful.

  2. AMEN! Mr. Firth is by far the best Mr. Darcy!!!

  3. Great post!

    I lived in Utah for 10 years and I don't mind a little winter - it's the winter that starts with the first snowfall in Oct. and hangs on through the end of April sometimes June! I'm totally with you.

    I love Pride & Predjudice!! It's so great! Have you seen the BBC's North and South? SO GOOD!! (not the Patrick Swayze Civil War story.)

  4. I will have - the orange throw, the wee green bird mug, the gingerbread candle and the cowl-ish scarf please! One of the things I like about having moved from Glasgow to Dundee is that though its colder here, and alot windier, Its much brighter and less rainy.

  5. Ooooh, oooh, ooooh! I **love** the mug!!! Thank you for the heads up. Something tells me she's going to have to make a few more of these puppies.


  6. I love fall and CANNOT wait to move so I can unpack (duh! - I hate boxes) and set out all my lovely fall decor and be cozy!! I love the way you highlighted all those ETSY stores in your post - you're a very good "blogger buddy"!!

    Happy Fall to you -

  7. Thank you for including me! Fall has skipped right over us as well. It is a mere 45 degrees in Kentucky today. We are moving to Georgia in December, and nothing makes my heart happier than to have a mild winter :) Happy Fall in O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A Oklahoooooooomaaa!

  8. Love the Mr. Darcy mug! Fabulous.

    The necklaces and scarves are fabulous too. Esp. love the last one. The colors are yummy.

  9. I have a great time shopping Etsy! What a remarkable place with so many talented artists. I too loved the Oklahoma fall season. Different here in Texas, of course.

  10. Beautiful cozy stuff! :) I could browse Etsy for hours and hours.

  11. Oh I love COZY. ;) And I'm really into etsy right now so this is a fun post for me!

    By the way, I have completely enjoyed your blog! You do such a GOOD job and your posts are fun to read!

  12. Oh! I love cozy too. More than just about anything. I loved the stuff you posted about it. Now to shop.

  13. AMEN!!!! I think you and I will get along very well with each other...well, def. at least for the 8 or so hours that it takes to watch the BBC series!

  14. I am from Okie-Dokie! I miss the monarch butterfly season, aka Fall. We get great fall here in the Mid-Atlantic, but, though we are in their migratory path no where near the amount of Monarch Butterflies of Oklahoma.
    Paula ~ Mise en scène

  15. I loooove the items from etsy you shared! Especially the Pride & Prejudice mug and the leaf necklace... and the orange throw... and well, everything. ;)

    As for the Utah winters, you're the first person I've ever heard who has said that Utah doesn't have all 4 seasons -- that's one of the things most people say they LIKE about it. :) I moved to SE Idaho last summer, and I miss Salt Lake's weather and its longer growing season.

    Have you ever driven through Logan Canyon in the Fall? Geeeee-orgeous. Enjoy autumn in Oklahoma!

  16. I ust wanted to pop in and say "thank you" for the heads up on the Pride & Prejudice mug. Thanks to you, I now have one sitting on my bedside table :) Hubby got paid yesterday, so I think I'll fill it up with some flowers this week. It's just perfect.


  17. That's awesome Jacci! Thanks for letting me know. I think I definitely need to go ahead and buy that mug once I get paid :).


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