Wednesday, February 11, 2009


"Why am I doing my happy dance?" you ask?...Because my huge bathroom mirror is NOT glued to the wall. "Is that all?" you say? Yes...but for me that's plenty of reason to do a jig, because it means I:

A) Get to replace the huge mirror with two cute oval mirrors (kind of like this):

B) If I can safely remove it and transport it, I can put it up in my son's bathroom and frame it out in there. Seriously, his mirror is sooo much bigger than mine. I swear it's like 8 feet long. Like Yao Ming could lay on top of the bathroom counter and see his whole body.

But let's say my mirror had been glued to the wall. What would I have done? Framed it out of course.

I'm sure you've seen mirrors framed with standard molding before like these:

Rate My Space - NewSquaredID

Rate My Space - TxBlondieGrl05

They're very pretty, and make the mirror look so much better. But what about going a step further? Like adding crown molding to the top to make it look a little more classic and custom.

Cottage Living

Better Homes and Gardens

Or adding flat molding or wood to make one mirror look like two:

Rate My Space - Caamano

Or three:

Coastal Living

Other options could include using vintage tin tiles (you can buy them on Ebay), or even the new pressed tin sheets they sell at Lowes and Home Depot. You could paint them any color you want and cut them to frame the mirror.

Kind of like this:

Or what about vintage pieces of distressed or reclaimed wood?

With a little imagination the possibilities are limitless!


  1. Very cool idea! I have seen the mirrors framed. We have two individuals in our master. They have a lip at the bottom to place things as well. You could add one of those too....might as go well go all the way. I love your blog by the way. cherry

  2. oh la la! Choices choices! If only you had a whole bunch of bathrooms, you could try each one!

  3. Love them all! I framed out ours, but around the mirror, on the wall. Now I'm kicking myself because I would LOVE to do the molding down the middle. Darn it!!

  4. Love the framed mirrors, but I really like the cool oval ones you're going with too. Totally different looks really.

    I'll get you something on crown molding before too long. If you have any specific questions you can always email me.

    Remodeling Guy

  5. I'm mad about vintage tin tiles, so I'm loving the mirror idea!

  6. I love the pressed tin idea. I have that huge mirror too, but I think mine is glued to the wall. I would need pretty big molding to make the mirror look right. On another note, how to take off that 10 foot strip of Hollywood lights? I can't figure that one out.

  7. Okay, I just love ya!! I need to drive over there and give you a HUGE hug. I have that massive mirror like you mentioned and didnt know what to do with it. I didnt want to take it down, I really cant afford to replace it. Ive been wanting to frame it but I thought It might looks funny being so big. When I saw the molding at the top, that was it!. I want that and when I saw how they ran the wood down to make it look like two, thats just awesome. Im going to have to try that! YIPPIE!

    Your so funny! On the challange your so right. Im wanting to spend money now since I cant!!! UGH. I almost broke down and went to the store last night but I stuck to my guns. I just posted on my blog what I made for dinner using what I had on hand. I think I did pretty good :)

  8. Love the framed mirrors. I hope to perform that little decorating trick in my two bathrooms soon.

  9. You are SOOO lucky!!! (Your builder must have been more thoughtful than ours!) Thanks for all of the framing ideas.

  10. What a great post - all 3 of my bathroom mirrors are un-moveable! One is a big rectangle just glued to the wall and the others are cabinetry.

    I have actually been thinking of adding moulding to the one, but didn't know it had been done before (silly me). I will save some of your photos to show my partner!

    I guess you just glue the moudling onto the mirror??

  11. I have seen a number of framed out mirrors, thankfully, because I have two large mirrors in my house that are glued to the walls. I really like the pictures you posted best! I never would have thought to take it one more step and attach the crown molding at the time or even divide the mirrors in two. How clever and how rich that little bit more makes the mirror.
    I have looked at your main bathroom make over a dozen times! :o) Love it! Love it! Love it!

  12. Thanks for the suggestion! It just begs the question, how do you know if your mirror is glued or not???

    Great blog!


  13. Awesome! Thanks for directing me to this post & inspiration... now to figure out if my mirror is glued...


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