Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay, who doesn't heart Amy Butler, but I've recently seen a few items in homes that were made out of her fabric and it made me fall in love with her work all over again. While the style I'm comfortable with in my own home is much more serene and muted, I secretly wish I could live in a vibrant, playful, chic "Amy" house. So please indulge me today....

This is a photo of Amy that was included in her book Midwest Modern. Oh, and that handsome man beside her is her husband, David. Hate her....

I did have this pillow on my bed in my old house for a while and I loved it (and made it myself...oh yeah, I was all full of myself for actually making a pillow that looked pretty). It was just muted enough to work with my decor.

I saw this BHG bathroom on a post at The Inspired Room yesterday and I swooned. Ahhhh, I love the mix of classic and modern. Again, I wish I could live in a house that cool.

I discovered this great duvet last week on Mommy and Beyond. I never would have thought of making a duvet out of Amy Butler fabric. Genius!

Okay, I could live with this in my house...definitely. Isn't it beautiful?

I was blown away the first time I saw this rocking chair makeover from Creative Little Daisy. She transformed a run of the mill rocking chair into something utterly unique. Bravo!

Thanks for being such a rock star Amy (uh huh, we're totally on a first name basis...LOL).


  1. I saw that post yesterday and spent my lunch hour googling Amy Butler! I wish she worked with reds...if she did, I'd buy up her stuff in a red hot second! Great job on the pillow!!!

  2. Oooh, I love all of her stuff too! Of course, since I have little girls, I should use her stuff in their rooms!! It can be an outlet for my whimsical side, the Amy Butler side of my decorating style!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I love her stuff and the fact that just a little of it can go a long way!

  4. I'm glad you liked my duvet enough to post it! Really, it will look better once I make the shams.

    That chair from Creative Little Daisy was one of my inspirations! I love it!

    And I saw that shower curtain yesterday too. Drool.....

    Did you know carries almost all of her lines? And to Blah Blah Blahger, her august fields line and Midwest Modern II has some reds.

    Um, I'm kind of a fanatic, why do I know all this?

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ooh, thanks for the tip on I'll have to go check that out.

    Thanks again for letting me post your duvet Amy.


  6. Oh, she does have some cute fabrics!!!

    M ^..^

  7. Annicole, I love your blog. Do you use a blogger template? If so, which one?


  8. YIKES....after seeing those house seems very drab and too fussy....I think some sewing projects may soon be on the horizon! Thanks for the inspiration. Oh and tell Amy I said hi next time you talk to her ;)

  9. Love Amy, also. I made all my girls bedding out of her fabrics and get so many compliments on them. They look great!

  10. I loved the shower curtain when I saw it on The Inspired Room. Beautiful.

  11. I have no idea how to sew, but I'm pretty good with a staple gun, so maybe I could revamp my daughter's glider and ottoman. Thanks for the inspiration...I'm off to snoop on your blog and the others you mentioned!

  12. Hi again...I just added you to my sidebar so that I can remember to keep checking your blog...I love your style!

  13. When I looked at the post title on my blogroll, at first I thought it said MY Butler and I was all, huh?
    I know you want to live in a cool house, but what could be cooler than a house with you in it?!
    I posted 5 different giveaways yesterday. You only have until Friday midnight to enter, so be sure to look.

  14. I "heart" Amy Butler too, and she's from Ohio too, like me. That's pretty much all we have in common, she's so incredibly talented.
    Just found your blog from the Nester, I love it and can't wait to explore!

  15. Im not sure Ive ever heard of her. Where have I been? I dont remember anyone mentioning it on the cafe either? I remember that pillow on your bed too. LOL

    Thanks for sharing all these great pictures and introducting her to me. :)

    Since your on a first name bases you should invite her over for tea so I can ask her all kinds of decorating questions ! LOLOL

  16. I've actually painted my kitchen countertops. It's been about a year and holding up pretty darn well. Only a few chips.I cleaned and TSPed em, rolled on some wall paint, and then sponged over it other colors in acrylic to try and make it granity. It's not overly granity-it was my first attempt at faux painting. But it's not terrible. I then put about 8 coats of poly over it. I wanted to use that cool barkeepers friend thing that's a 2 part epoxy but it would've cost me like $200 for my kitchen, and I'm cheap.


Don't be shy. I LOVE reading each and every one of your comments. If you have a question for me, watch for a response in the comments or shoot me an email. Thanks!