Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm going to whine here for a moment. I've been miserably sick all weekend with a cold, but I decided to woman up and go to work today, and now we're getting a massive ice storm that I get to drive home in. Whaaa! Ok - thanks for indulging me. Now, moving on....

Somehow in my sick stupor over the weekend, I had a 2 hour burst of creative energy where I decided it would be a fabulous idea to make a Valentine's wreath. I don't normally decorate for each and every holiday, but I had an idea in my head and I decided to go with it.

I found this wreath at Hobby Lobby, which was really pretty perfect on its own. I love the simple, natural look of it.

I wanted it to be a little fuller though, so I bought a couple of these.

And then I stumbled across these beauties and I just had to buy them. Don't they look delicious?..or maybe it's the cold medicine's hard to be sure.

A little glue gunning, some fat red ribbon, and viola! We are one festive house.
(NOTE: I hate my burgundy door. I'm just not a burgundy gal. As soon as it warms up outside the door will be changing color...because I'll be painting won't change on it's own just because of the heat...oh man, way too much cold medicine)


  1. awwww...hope you feel better soon but glad to see your still have your wonderful sense of humor! Love the wreath and the plumping up you did with it. :)

    What color will you paint your door? Mine's about that color (on a grey house) and I'm ready for a change. I'm thinking maybe a PLUM color!

  2. Thanks Susan! I'll bet plum or navy would be very pretty on a grey house...Or red or black for that matter. I'll have to do a blog post to get feedback on colors when I'm ready to paint, but I'm kind of thinking of doing some shade of green. Either a sage green or a very dark putty green. We'll see...

  3. Very nice wreath! Even in a cold medicine stupor you did a great job. :)

  4. OHHH I love it. Im looking for more valentines craft ideas :) Your so creative, cold medicine or not :)

    I really like Sarahs and Angelas black doors. But then again I think they have black shutters too??? Cant remember.

  5. I hope you are feeling better soon. I love the wreath. Hugs, Terrie

  6. I hope you get to feeling better. Love the wreath, you did a fantastic job on it.


  7. I think your wreath came out great! Don't paint your door green. Mine is green and so many things just don't show up against it.

  8. Beeeautiful! Love it! You are so crafty! I'm impressed and i will probably be stealing your idea.

    I too have a burgandy door and do not like it at all? I have red brick. any ideas for colors to use on it?

  9. Looks GREAT!! I love it! I got your e-mail and will get back to you soon -- I'm still in a stupor from lack of sleep. ;) Hope you feel better!

  10. Very that red ribbon! What color will you paint your door? Get well soon! cherry

  11. I love your wreath, and the bow makes it even more beautiful!!

    I hope that when you paint your door, you do a tutorial for that too!

  12. Love the wreath, fabulous filler ideas! I had a few strands of those berries in my hand after Christmas at Michael's and realized I had no clue what I would do with them, but they were on clearance! LOL
    Our door was previously that color, I just painted ours in the fall to a barn red color that I just love! :)

  13. Oooh, Barn Red. I'll bet that's beautiful. Thanks Sarah.

    Kara, I'll definitely do a tutorial when I paint my door.

    Thanks everyone!


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