Monday, January 5, 2009


I could be wrong here, but when most "normal" people get home from a long day of traveling don't they...I don't know...take their suitcase upstairs, maybe unpack a bit, and perhaps relax for a few minutes before heading off to bed?

This is my suitcase. I plopped it down in the middle of the living room, ripped it open, and started decorating immediately. "Normal"?...not so much.

In my defense, I found a couple great items on clearance when I was out of town and I couldn't wait any longer to execute the idea I had in my head. I immediately hung the plates that I'd been meaning to hang before I left, and then put out the cute little birdies (they were something like $3 at Pottery Barn...I swear that's not the only place I shop...not by far), and the artichokes ($4 for a package of 6). It's not earth-shatteringly unique, but I'm pleased with it...seriously, you should have seen it before.

I may still have an unpacked suitcase sitting in my bedroom (yes, I moved it upstairs), but I'm somehow okay with that because at least I have a pretty piano now.


  1. Love it! I'm dying to just get the tree DOWN so I can move on to other projects! I hate having Xmas still out when I want to move ON!! :)

  2. Ha! I'm totally with you. As you'll notice in the pictures my tree is still up too. I'm dying to put away all the Christmas stuff too and have it feel open and fresh again. Although...tonight I think it's either do that or unpack my suitcase. We'll see which one wins out :).

  3. I do that! Decorate as soon as I get home. :) Kelly


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