Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ok...you caught me. I've been dying to use that title since I bought my really big buttons.

See this giant thing on my lap? Here's the story.
I was shopping with my mom in Utah, and had just been explaining to her that I only buy things I really, really love. If I just like it I'm not going to spend money on it. Then I turned around and saw 5 ginormous wooden buttons that can be hung on the wall, and it was love. I think I had little hearts floating out of my eyeballs. So I bought them - even though I wasn't entirely sure at the time where I was going to hang them.

The biggest button was trying to stow away in my suitcase when I went back home, but when I had to remove 3 pounds from my suitcase to get it under 50 pounds (or pay a $90 fee...seriously?!) she came out, and I gingerly carried her through the airport and on the plane.

Funny story (I know, I'm writing a lot here)....a little girl on the plane looked at my button with a very perplexed look on her face. I said, "Yep, it's a button. It goes on really big pants." She looked a little afraid, until I told her I was joking and showed her the hook on the back and explained that it's meant to be hung on the wall. I'm not sure that completely cleared things up for her.

Anyway, as soon as I got home I knew the perfect place for my buttons.

See this big empty space between the nightstand and the window? I've been wanting to put something there, but didn't know what. My buttons were the perfect answer.

See? Aren't they perdy? I'm not totally sold on the placement. I was hoping for a more random arrangement, but I couldn't figure it out...so they'll stay where they are for now.


  1. I like your BIG buttons. Isn't is great when you come across something you LOVE?

  2. AnNicole, those are so flippin cute! and so very unique! Love it :)

  3. AnNicole, I didn't know you had a blog. Or did I just forget?? LOL I love your huge wall buttons. I think I would have fallen in love with them, too. How is life treating you?? I love your blog. Come visit me when you have a chance. Hugs, Terrie

  4. Love the buttons, but I'd like a more random arrangement, personally.
    Stop by my blog, I've "tagged" you for a meme!

  5. I agree Elizabeth. I'll have to work out some alternate arrangements. Thanks!

  6. Those buttons are awesome! I'm with you...when you find something you JUST LOVE....get it....you will FIND a place for that item. I need to get out my Atlas and find out where Jenks is......even though I live in Houston and we've got really cool places to shop...I'm Love'in that Tradin' Post. I can see a ROAD TRIP in my future! Happy New Year from Texas!

  7. Oh so cute! What a cool find! ~ Robyn

  8. Those are AWESOME!!! How cool is that? I love the hearts floating out of your eyeballs comment, hee!!

  9. Oh my gosh An! I want some really big buttons! I still have a smile on my face left over from the laughter caused by your comments to the curious little girl on the plane. Too funny! Don't you just love having fun with kids? "...a really big pair of pants." I love it! Just love it.
    ~Becky <><

  10. I LOVE those buttons! Do you mind sharing where you got them? We have a friend that we call "Betsy Buttons"- they would make a great gift for her!

  11. Hi. I just stumbled across your blog via the The Lettered Cottage...I have a question. I have been looking for a headboard for our bed, and just love love love yours. What brand is it? Thanks, Claudette from California

  12. Claudette, Thanks for the compliment on my headboard. It was actually a Craigslist find that was handbuilt by the seller. Sorry! I don't know what your price range is, but the Restoration Hardware Cambden bed looks kind of similar. Again, sorry!


  13. Hi I randomly came across your blog and I am from UT and was wondering the same. Where did you find those giant buttons?? They would be darling in a sewing room too.

  14. Hi Lynette,

    I bought them at Downeast Home. I can't remember which location, but you might still be able to stumble upon them. You could always keep an eye on ebay too. Good luck!


  15. I LOVE the big buttons! I have a small collection of different sized mirrors hanging in my living room, and was having a hard time getting them to look random. I traced each one onto a piece of paper and cut it out, then taped the papers to the wall and moved them around until I was happy. Maybe that method will work for you.


Don't be shy. I LOVE reading each and every one of your comments. If you have a question for me, watch for a response in the comments or shoot me an email. Thanks!