Tuesday, December 30, 2008


While I love our life and home in Oklahoma, our original home state of Utah still holds a special place in my heart. We've been lucky enough to be spending the holidays with family in Utah, sipping hot cocoa, chatting in comfy jammies by the fire...AND going to my favorite stores!!!

I can't tell you how many times I've considered making the 4 hour drive to Dallas just to visit some of these places. And here they are, all in one place!
For example:

Ahhh, isn't that a beautiful sight? Yes, the mountains are lovely, but just look at that big yellow sign? Those of you who don't live near an Ikea know what I'm talking about.

Here's a closer one in case you missed it (yes...I'm aware I'm a dork).

Look at this cute little living room. The most expensive item in there is the sofa and that's only $499.

I bought this chandelier here last Summer and brought it home in my suitcase. Can you see that price tag? $34.99!

Here she is in my kitchen. I was pretty proud of myself when I installed her myself.

This dresser really wants to go home with me and hang out in my bedroom. I don't think she'll fit in my suitcase though.

But seriously, wouldn't she be perfect with my other dresser?

They even sell fabric! I'll be making pillows from the blue and white stripe...or maybe the blue/white windowpane fabric...I bought them both.

And don't get me started on Anthropologie. I could marry this store. While Anthro is ridiculously expensive, and I can rarely afford to buy things there, it's still my favorite. I mostly look to her for decorating inspiration.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year.


  1. Hi Annicole,

    I just found your blog, I love your style.
    The wreath you made is beautiful. And I just received a gift card to Hobby Lobby for Christmas.(guess what will be on my front door soon?)
    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    Happy New Year

  2. Thanks so much! I hope you have a blast shopping. Happy New year to you too.

  3. Hi there! What a pretty kitchen you have there! I love your table and the light looks great above it. Glad to have found your blog. :) Michelle

  4. I too could marry anthropologie! hours could be spent there just browsing...
    i love your kitchen - the chandelier looks great!

  5. The best thing that ever happened to Utah was Ikea. I'm not joking. I wrote a post about it as well.

    Love your blog!

  6. We have an IKEA here in the Orlando Area. It has been great for buying organizational stuff for my girls rooms.


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